Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
45 11,977 12,371 12,780 13,201 13,637 14,088 14,552 15,033
44 11,594 11,977 12,371 12,780 13,201 13,637 14,088 14,552
43 11,224 11,594 11,977 12,371 12,780 13,201 13,637 14,088
42 10,866 11,224 11,594 11,977 12,371 12,780 13,201 13,637
41 10,518 10,866 11,224 11,594 11,977 12,371 12,780 13,201
40 10,182 10,518 10,866 11,224 11,594 11,977 12,371 12,780
39 9,854 10,182 10,518 10,866 11,224 11,594 11,977 12,371
38 9,536 9,854 10,182 10,518 10,866 11,224 11,594 11,977
37 9,229 9,536 9,854 10,182 10,518 10,866 11,224 11,594
36 8,931 9,229 9,536 9,854 10,182 10,518 10,866 11,224
35 8,644 8,931 9,229 9,536 9,854 10,182 10,518 10,866
34 8,364 8,644
9,229 9,536 9,854 10,182 10,518
33 8,096 8,364 8,644 8,931 9,229 9,536 9,854 10,182
32 7,834 8,096 8,364 8,644 8,931 9,229 9,536 9,854
31 7,582 7,834 8,096 8,364 8,644 8,931 9,229 9,536
30 7,338 7,582 7,834 8,096 8,364 8,644 8,931 9,229
29 7,102 7,338 7,582 7,834 8,096 8,364 8,644 8,931
28 6,872 7,102 7,338 7,582 7,834 8,096 8,364 8,644
27 6,651 6,872 7,102 7,338 7,582 7,834 8,096 8,364
26 6,437 6,651 6,872 7,102 7,338 7,582 7,834 8,096
25 6,230 6,437 6,651 6,872 7,102 7,338 7,582 7,834
24 6,029 6,230 6,437 6,651 6,872 7,102 7,338 7,582
23 5,834 6,029 6,230 6,437
6,872 7,102 7,338
22 5,649 5,834 6,029 6,230 6,437 6,651 6,872 7,102
** Approved by the Board of Trustees: April 16, 2014
manager’s immediate supervisor and subject to approval by the President/Superintendent. (AP 7250)
* Advancement from one step to the next on the appropriate salary schedule shall be dependent upon the recommendation of the
Cerritos Community College District
Management Employees Salary Schedule*
Effective Date: 7/1/2014**