Request for Add to Staff or Replacement Headcount
Unit: LAW
Department: _______________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Check one: Replacement
□ New Position (Add to staff) □ Restructured Position □
(If restructure, please state position(s) included in this action, salaries, and grades and include
narrative below regarding how the position was restructured).
Title: __________________________________________________ Grade/Band: ______
Incumbent Name _____________________________________
Incumbent Salary $_______________________
Separation Date ________________________
Projected Replacement Date __________________
Proposed Salary $_____________________
PeopleAdmin System Position number (if applicable) ___________________
Funding Source (Chartfield) ___________________________
Is Position Funded Within Existing Fiscal Year Budget – Recurring? Yes
□ No □
If not, please state source of ongoing funding:
Justification to Hire (Give a specific explanation regarding why this position is critical to the operation of
your unit. Attach job description and organizational chart.)
impact if position is not filled (Give specific departmental impact as well as impact to schools or other