Henderson County Building Inspections
Building Inspections Complaint Form
Complainants Name:___________________________________________ Phone #:________________________
Address:______________________________________ City:____________________ State:____ Zip:_________
Describe the Building Code Violation or Hazard
Site Address:______________________________________ City:______________________________________
Property Owner (if known):____________________________________ Date you noticed the violation:_________
Description of violation: ________________________________________________________________________
To the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is true, and I understand that this information will be
retained by the Henderson County Inspections office. This information will be used to issue a complaint investigation on
the above listed property, and an inspection of that property for said violations will follow. In accordance with the
freedom of information Act and also Section 132-6 of the North Carolina Public Records Law, this information will be
made available to the public upon request.
Signature of Complainant:_________________________________________________ Date:________________
Once you have completed and signed the form, you may either bring it to the Permit Center Office located at 100 N
King Street, Hendersonville, email this form to hcpermitcenter@hendersoncountync.gov, or you may mail the form to
Permit Center, Attn: Building Code Complaint, 100 N King St Suite 220 Hendersonville, NC 28792. The Henderson
County Inspections Office will assess the situation and take the appropriate action.
Referred to:____________________________________________________ Date:______________
Inspector Signature:__________________________________________ Date of Inspection: ________________
Report of Investigation: __________________________________________________________________________
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