Heartland Community College
Course Materials Adoption Form
Department: ________________________________________________ Course: _____________________________________________________
Section Number (indicate ALL if all sections will use these course materials): ______________________________________
Instructor's Name (indicate ALL if all sections will use these course materials): ____________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________________ Author: ____________________________________
ISBN :____________________________________________ Publisher: _______________________________ Edition/Copyright: _______________
Publisher List Price: _______________________________
Are there alternate versions of this text that are acceptable for this course (unbound, e-book)?
Type/Format: ___________________________ ISBN: ____________________________
Type/Format: ___________________________ ISBN: ____________________________
Description: _______________________________ ISBN: _________________________
Description: _______________________________ ISBN: _________________________
Notes to the bookstore/course materials buyer: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Textbook listings in IRIS and Course Schedule "Book Info" can contain instructor notes. Please include here any special instructions
for your students about the needed materials. (250 character limit)
The HCC Course Adoption Policy is not meant to supersede, in any way, academic freedom of faculty members in the selection of course materials
Enter Your Course Information
Are you using the same materials as adopted last semester?
Is this a bundled textbook?
Can a student use an older edition of the book? Specify editions: ___________________________________
Semester: Fall Spring Summer Year
Is this a custom book?
Is this an open education resource? (OER)
Use for each course submitted. Provide all requested information.
Enter Your Course Material Information (Only title & ISBN if same book as previous semester)
Are any course materials being adopted for this course?
Information for Faculty
You are in a key position to control and/or reduce the cost of textbooks. Here are a few things to consider:
* Currently, the following publisher formats are not eligible for buy back:
* unbound, three-hole punch, "binder versions"
* bundles containing one-time-use components such as access codes
* texts with tear out pages or where the student writes in them
* If you are considering a bundled package, are all of the included materials going to be used in the course? If not, they may add to the cost.
REQUIRED (Student cannot succeed in course w/o text)
OPTIONAL (helpful but not necessary)
Yes (Allow up to 8 weeks for printing)
Yes (Provider: _______________________________________)
Yes (include any information you have on alternate versions below)
Yes (list bundle components below) No
Yes No