Updated by fdr 10/18/04 for the Office of the Registrar.
Haskell Indian Nations University
Change of Major and Advisor Request Form
Office of the Haskell Indian Nations University Registrar Office, Sequoyah Hall, Room #129
(Clearly Print or Type) Date: ____________
Student Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________City: ________________State: ___________Zip: _______
Haskell Student ID: _______________________
Requesting Change of Major (If not applicable skip to “Requesting Change of Advisor” section)
Major TO which student is transferring ________________________Degree___________________
Department/Advisor Concurrence ______________________________ Date____________________
Major FROM
which student is transferring ______________________Degree__________________
Department/Advisor Concurrence ________________________________ Date__________________
(Check one)
Freshman 1 freshman 2 (0-29) sophomore1 sophomore2 (30-60)
Junior 1 junior 2 (61-90) senior 1 senior 2 (91-120)
Credits earned ___________________ Cumulative GPA ________________
Reason(s) for wanting to change major:
Requesting Change of Advisor
Advisor TO which student is transferring_______________________________________________
Advisor Approval____________________________________________Date____________________
Advisor FROM which student is transferring____________________________________________
Advisor Approval____________________________________________Date____________________
Reason(s) for wanting to change major:
Student Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________
Advisor Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________
Upon Completion submit form to the Registrar’s office, 129 Sequoyah Hall