Enrolment Handbook 2022
Evidence required:
A letter from the student’s most recent
school, addressed to VSV
A letter from the student’s most recent school is
required conrming:
(a) the student was/is enrolled at the school
(b) the student has left or is leaving for the purpose
of travel
(c) the expected date that the student will return
from travel and recommence enrolment at a
mainstream school
(d) any supporting information if the student has learning
diculties, disabilities or health conditions that may
impact on learning.
A letter from a parent’s/carer’s employer
This needs to outline the period of employment where the
parent/carer is expected to be out of Victoria and/or travelling.
A Statutory Declaration is also required when travel is due to
parent’s work and they are self-employed. OR
A certied Statutory Declaration
This needs to be signed in front of an authorised
witness, and must detail:
(a) the proposed itinerary of travel/work
(b) the nature of the travel (e.g. work or family holiday)
(c) the expected date of return.
(d) the name of the student/s
Evidence required:
A letter from the student’s most recent
school, addressed to VSV
A letter from the student’s most recent school is
required conrming:
(a) the student was/is enrolled at the school
(b) the student has left or is leaving for the purpose
of sports/performing arts commitments
(c) in their view, Virtual School Victoria is an
appropriate alternative educational experience
(d) any supporting information if the student has
learning diculties, disabilities or health
conditions that may impact on learning.
A letter from the sporting/performing arts
association/agent, addressed to VSV
A letter from the sporting/performing arts association/
agent is required conrming:
(a) the student is involved or competing in elite level
sport or performing arts
(b) the student’s performance/training schedule prevents
them from attending mainstream school
(c) in their view, Virtual School Victoria is an appropriate
alternative educational experience
(d) evidence that agents/individuals hold a current
Working With Children Check and/or third party
organisations are compliant with the Child Safe
Standards policies (copies of original documents)
(e) contact details of a sporting/performance supervisor
who is authorised to liaise with VSV regarding student
progress including name, organisation, phone, email
and address.
It is expected that students who have been, or expect to be, based in a location interstate or overseas for more
than two years should enrol in a mainstream school in the location where they are based. Students who have been
enrolled at VSV under the Travel category for two or more years are required to seek approval from VSV to continue
their enrolment by resubmitting the supporting documentation. Approval is at the discretion of VSV’s Principal.
Category 3: Sports/Performance
Students enrolling in this category must have elite sporting or performing arts commitments
preventing them from attending mainstream school. These commitments may include
performance or training commitments during regular school times, or extended interstate/
international travel for training, competition or performance.
In 2016, the Child Safe Standards were implemented in Victoria for all organisations, including schools, which
work with children and young people. Like all Victorian schools, Virtual School Victoria works hard to ensure
student safety and wellbeing but we must be vigilant to ensure eective arrangements are in place to manage and
reduce the risk of child abuse. Parents/carers of students enrolling in the Sports/Performance category frequently
engage third party organisations and/or individuals prior to enrolling their child at Virtual School Victoria. Parents/
carers are reminded that all organisations that work with children are required to be compliant with the Child Safe
Standards, and/or third-party individuals hold a current Working with Children Check.