Hall Hire
Booking Form
Email address:
Name and address of hirer:
I understand that on conrmation of my booking I will be required to pay a 25% non-refundable deposit.
The balance of the hall hire will be payable 28 days in advance of my booking.
Bookings will be subject to an additional £100 damage/loss deposit. This will be returned in full, if no
damage or loss occurs. If damage over £100 occurs South Norfolk Council will seek to recover this from
the named hirer, through legal means if required.
I agree on my own behalf / on behalf of the above organisation (delete as applicable) to comply with and
be bound by SNC Conditions of Hiring and General Regulations.
Signed: Date:
Date of hire: Number of attendees (Max 150):
Day time hire (4 hours) £60: Start time:
Requested layout of room (tables and chairs can be provided for a maximum of 100):
Other additional information or requirements:
Contact Tel. no:
Oce use only
Booking conrmed and recorded: Bar conrmed if applicable:
Deposit received (receipt number):
Balance due: Balance received (receipt number):
Breakage/damage deposit paid (receipt number): Building checked
Deposit returned: Signed