HSC 499 Capstone
Proposal Form
Date: ________________ Term: ____________________________
Student Name: _____________________________________________ Student ID#:________________________
Major (Concentration): ________________________________________________
Faculty Study Advisor : ________________________________________________
A. The HSC499 Capstone course is designed to give students a mentored experience working
with a professor on a focused project or research study. The course will entail both periodic
course meetings (TBA) and independent work with a faculty member.
B. Working with your faculty advisor, please provide the reasons why the capstone course is
desired/needed in no more than two (2) pages:
1. The specific purpose(s) of the study or project.
2. A brief description of the project. What is being accomplished?
3. What is the time line for the project or study? When will specific tasks be completed?
4. What is the significance of the study specific to the needs, interests and overall
academic preparation of the student, faculty member, and to the field?
5. How will the success of the experience be determined? What is the assessment of
student learning?
C. Upon completion of the capstone study, the student will submit a formal written report
adhering to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA) (6th Ed.) to the Faculty Study Advisor and Department Chair. The report
shall be retained in the department office and shall address the following:
Review of literature
Research question(s) or purpose of the project
Discussion of the Results
Specific Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations
The report will be attached to a memo from the faculty advisor indicating that the
student has fully met all of the requirements of the study and course with documentation prior
to the last day of classes for the semester.
____________________________________ __________________
Faculty Advis
or Date
Department Chair