Walking Mall
Vehicle Permit
Vehicle Plate_____________________
Attach Copy
Drivers License
Proof of Insurance
Vehicle Registration
I have read this permit and understand that my vehicle(s) cannot block the FIRE LANE on the Mall and that I
must comply with the Mall Policy and City Code 7-9-1.
Applicant’s Signature:_____________________________________________
Copies to Helena Police Department, City of Helena Parking and City Manager.
Mall Rules:
City of Helena Parking, as the Helena City Manager’s designee, issues Walking Mall Vehicle Permits.
Permits are issued pursuant to City Code 7-9-1 and City of Helena Mall Policy. Anyone driving or parking on
the Mall without a permit is subject to citation by the Helena Police Department or City of Helena Parking.
Temporary vehicle permits may be issued for up to three days for vehicles no larger than a one-ton truck.
Applicants must show a valid driver’s license, proof of vehicle insurance and vehicle registration. Upon
request, City of Helena Parking will seek approval from the City Managers ofce for larger vehicles or a permit
for more than three days.
Permit Date(s):_____________________________________________________________________________
Time of Day:_______________________________________________________________________________
Mall Location:______________________________________________________________________________
Type of Activity/Conditions:___________________________________________________________________
Staff Use Only
Approved by:___________________________________________, City Parking