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CIT 0407 (05-2019) E
To avoid mistakes in your calculation, we recommend using the online Physical Presence Calculator.
If you cannot use the online Physical Presence Calculator, you must complete this form and include it with your application.
Calculating physical presence of 1095 days within the 5 years immediately before the date you sign your application.
The Citizenship Act requires a person to be physically present in Canada for at least 1095 days during the 5 years immediately before the date of application.
Time spent in Canada before becoming a Permanent Resident (PR) may be used. Each day spent physically in Canada as a temporary resident or protected
person within the last five years, before becoming a permanent resident, will count as one half day, with a maximum of 365 days towards your physical
Temporary resident status includes lawful authorization to enter or remain in Canada as a:
• visitor,
• student,
• worker or,
• temporary resident permit holder
A protected person is someone who:
• was found to be in need of protection or a convention refugee by the Immigration and Refugee Board or
• received a positive decision on a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Important notice for former refugee claimants and / or PRRA applicants
• If you were issued work or study permits while your refugee claim and / or Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) was being assessed, these
documents did not grant you Temporary Resident status. You cannot use this period of time in your physical presence calculation.
• If you are claiming time as a Protected Person, the only time allowed is the time from when you received a positive Protected Person decision on your
refugee claim or PRRA application until the day before you became a permanent resident.
You apply for citizenship on April 1, 2018
1. The 5 year eligibility period for calculating your physical presence in Canada is April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2018
2. Any time before April 1, 2013 cannot be counted.
3. Any time from April 1, 2013 up to and including March 31, 2018 that you were NOT physically in Canada cannot be counted.
4. April 1, 2013 can be counted towards this calculation; April 1, 2018 cannot count, because you must meet the requirements the day before you
apply for citizenship.
5. April 1, 2018 cannot be counted, because you must meet the requirements the day before you apply for citizenship.
NOTE: Time spent serving a term of imprisonment, on probation, or on parole may affect your physical presence calculation.
If you think this may apply to you, refer to
Section 1 - Determine your eligibility period
If you need more space to answer a question, attach another sheet of paper.
Enter the date you will sign your application form in Box A
Enter the date 5 years immediately before you will sign your application (what you entered in Box A)
in Box B.
Example: = April 1, 2018 (minus) – 5 years = April 1, 2013. Enter April 1, 2013 in Box B.
Calculate the total number of days between Box B (the date 5 years before signing your application)
and Box A (the date you will sign your application). Enter this number in Box C.
Example: Date in Box B= April 1, 2013 and the Date in Box A = April 1, 2018. Enter 1826 in Box C.
Total number of days
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CIT 0407 (05-2019) E
1. The maximum number of days you can enter in Box C is 1827.
2. Do not count the actual date you will sign your application in your calculation; the physical presence requirement must be met before the date you sign
your application.
Your ELIGIBILITY PERIOD = Date in Box B:____________ to Date in Box A: ____________
This is your ELIGIBILITY PERIOD. Your physical presence calculation only requires
information within the 5 year ELIGIBILITY PERIOD
Section 2 - Calculating physical presence after becoming a permanent resident in the 5 years immediately before the date you sign
your application
Enter the date that you became a permanent resident in Box D Box
Calculate the total number of days between Box D (the date you became a PR) and Box A (the date
you will sign your application).
Enter this number in Box E.
The maximum number of days you can enter in Box E is 1827.
Total number of days
Absences from Canada: You will use this information when completing your physical presence calculation.
Have you been outside of Canada in the last 5 years?
NO Proceed to F and enter "0" in Box F.
List all of your time outside of Canada in the 5 years before the date of your application. You must list all the time spent outside of Canada,
regardless of the reason for your absence. You must also list all trips where you left and returned to Canada on the same day or next day,
including day trips to the United States. Once you list all of your absences indicating the day you left and the day you returned to Canada, you
will calculate the "total # of days outside of Canada". You will only count the full days outside of Canada, because the day you left and day you
returned to Canada counts as time physically present in Canada.
1. You leave Canada on July 1 and return to Canada on the same day; total number of days absent = 0
2. You leave Canada on July 1 and return to Canada on July 6; total number of days absent = 4
3. You leave Canada on July 1 and return to Canada on July 10; total number of days absent = 8
This chart is only for absences AFTER you became a permanent resident. There is a separate section to declare absences before you became a
permanent resident if required. Example: You became a permanent resident on April 1, 2016. You left Canada to go on a tourist vacation on December 1,
2018 and returned on December 31, 2018. The total number of full days outside Canada is 29 days, because you do not count the day you left, or the day you
returned to Canada as an absence. You would list this absence below because you were a permanent resident during the absence period.
Date left
Date returned
to Canada
Destination Reason for absence
Total # days
absent from
Total number of days absent from Canada as a permanent resident.
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Enter the total number of days absent from Canada in Box F (as declared in the chart above) Box
Number of days
Calculate: Box E:_______ minus (-) Box F:_______ equals
Example: 1827 days - 100 days absent = 1727 days of physical presence
Days of physical PR presence
Is the number in Box G more than 1095?
Congratulations, you are eligible to apply for Canadian Citizenship *See notes
Go to Section 3
Section 3 allows you to calculate time spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident, if you were a temporary resident or protected
person within your 5 year eligibility period. It is recommended that you calculate all of the time that is allowable in your 5 year eligibility
period towards your physical presence, even if the number in Box G is more than 1095.
Section 3 - Calculating physical presence as a temporary resident or protected person, before becoming a permanent resident
within the last 5 year eligibility period
During your ELIGIBILITY PERIOD Date in Box B:_______ to Date in Box A_______: did you have Temporary Resident (TR) or Protected Person (PP)
status in Canada before becoming a permanent resident?
If you answered NO, and you do not have at least 1095 days of physical presence as a permanent resident in Box F, you do not meet the requirements and
must wait until you meet the physical presence requirement to apply for citizenship.
If you answered YES, continue below.
You may be able to use some of your time spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person towards your physical presence calculation.
Each day spent physically in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person within the last five years, before becoming a permanent resident will count
as one half day, with a maximum of 365 days towards your physical presence.
Temporary resident status includes lawful authorization to enter or remain in Canada as a: visitor, student, worker or temporary resident permit holder.
A protected person is someone who: was found to be in need of protection or a convention refugee by the Immigrations Refugee Board or, a person who received a positive
decision on a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment from IRCC.
Only enter the temporary resident or protected person status that you held in the last 5 years during your eligibility period
before becoming a permanent resident.
Note: If you are unsure if you held authorized temporary resident or protected person status for any period before becoming a permanent
resident, do NOT include that period in your physical presence calculation. This will prevent you from applying too early and will avoid the
rejection of your application.
Date your status was
Date your status expired
Status (visitor, student, worker,
temporary resident permit holder, or
protected person)
Total number of days as a temporary resident
or protected person before becoming a
permanent resident
Total # of TR or PP days
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This chart is only for absences BEFORE you became a permanent resident, only while holding temporary resident or protected person status.
Example: You were in Canada and held a valid study permit from April 1, 2014 to March 31st, 2014. During a school holiday break, you left Canada to visit
your family on December 1, 2014 and returned on December 31, 2014. The total number of full days outside Canada is 29 days, because you do not count
the day you left, or the day you returned to Canada as an absence. You would list this absence below because you held temporary resident status during the
absence period.
Date left
Date returned
to Canada
Destination Reason for absence
Total # days
absent from
Total number of days absent from Canada BEFORE becoming a permanent
resident, while holding temporary resident or protected person status.
Calculate: Box H:_______ minus (-) Box I:_______ equals
Example: 365 days of valid TR status minus (-) 29 days of absence = 336
Physical Presence as a TR or PP
Calculate: Box J:_______ divided(/) by 2:_______ (total)
Note: - If your total from above is equal to or greater than 365 days, enter 365 in Box K.
- If your total from above is less than 365 days, enter your total in Box K.
TR or PP credit
Calculate: Box G:_______ plus (+) Box K:_______ equals
Total physical presence
If you send an application containing misleading or fraudulent information, you can be charged
with a criminal offence or an offence under the Citizenship Act and your citizenship application can be refused.
I declare that the information provided is true, correct and complete. I understand that if I or someone on my behalf, makes a false representation,
or commits fraud or conceals any material circumstances relevant to my application, I could be prohibited from becoming a citizen for 5 years, my
citizenship could be revoked and I could be charged with an offence as provided for under the Citizenship Act or the Criminal Code.
Signature of applicant Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Remember to make sure that you are eligible to apply for citizenship on the day BEFORE you sign this application
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