Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
Department of Housing & Facilities
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D. Household Needs Assessment. The Department of Housing may require the Applicant to complete a Household
Needs Assessment, which will assist in determining the Programs for which the Applicant is eligible.
E. Household Plan of Action. The Department of Housing may prepare a Household Plan of Action designed to
address barriers to achieving home ownership or safe and adequate rental housing. The Household Plan of
Action may require the Applicant and Household members to complete training and counseling, including but
not limited to, financial training, homebuyer training, and social services counseling.
F. Credit Check. The Department of Housing may obtain a credit history report in connection with this
Application. The Department of Housing will provide the Applicant with a courtesy copy of the credit history
report during any Household Needs Assessment meeting with the Department of Housing staff. The Applicant
hereby authorizes the Department of Housing to obtain a credit history report in connection with this
G. Background Check. Prior to admission into any Program, a background investigation may be conducted in
connection with this Application, and prior to admission into any Development, a criminal history check will be
conducted on all Applicants and Household members who are thirteen (13) years of age or older. The Applicant
hereby authorizes the Department of Housing to make inquiries and to acquire from all public and private
persons, entities and agencies all information deed necessary by the Department of Housing to complete this
Application or to determine initial or continued eligibility for any Program, including but not limited to,
information regarding credit, employment, housing, and criminal history.
H. Failure to Provide Information. If the Applicant, or any Household Member who is eighteen (18) years of age or
older, fails to provide the Department of Housing with the necessary eligibility information, this Application will
be placed on hold until such time as the necessary documentation is provided. If this Application is on hold for
more than thirty (30) calendar days, it will be closed and the Applicant will be removed from any waiting list.
I. Notice of Eligibility or Ineligibility. The Department of Housing will send the Applicant notice within seven (7)
calendar days of certifying the Applicant as eligible or ineligible. Any notice of ineligibility will describe the basis
for the determination and the right to file an Appeal in accordance with Article 22 of the Program Policy.
J. Waiting List. The Department of Housing will maintain a separate waiting list for each Program that is full. As a
condition of remaining on the waiting list, the Applicant must (1) respond to all written, update requests from the
Department of Housing, including but not limited to updating this Application annually; and (2) update this
Application to reflect any change in the number of Household Members. If the Applicant fails to update this
Application within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of mailing of any update request, the Applicant will be
removed from the waiting list and this Application will be closed.
K. Recertification. The Department of Housing will recertify the eligibility of all Applicants on a waiting list prior
to participation in a Program, including but not limited to, occupancy of any housing unit. The Applicant must
continue to satisfy all eligibility requirements while participating in a Program.
L. Assistance Agreement. Prior to the expenditure of funds or occupancy under any Program, the Applicant must
enter into an Assistance Agreement with the Pokagon Band. All Household members, who are who are eighteen
(18) years of age and older, must sign the Assistance Agreement. In lieu of an Assistance Agreement, a lease must
be signed for the Lease to Own Program and the Transitional Housing Assistance Program. Also, an Assistance
Agreement with the Pokagon Band is not required for the Water and Sewer Improvements Program.
M. Fair and Impartial. Tribal Council and the Department of Housing staff must be fair and impartial, at all times
and in all respects, in selecting people to participate in Programs, including but not limited to, determinations
relating to eligibility, admission, and occupancy of Housing Units. No elected official or employee of the
Pokagon Band shall make any determination based in whole or in part on family ties, political views, or personal