Financial Aid Office • SUNY Plattsburgh • 101 Broad Street • Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681
Tel: (518) 564-2072 • Toll-Free: (877) 768-5976 • Fax: (518) 564-4079 • email: finaid@plattsburgh.edu
Revised: 12/01/2019 ASSET
Student Name: ___________________________ Banner ID or NetID: ____________________________
If the federal government considers you dependent for financial aid purposes, complete the section below for
Dependent Students (most students at Plattsburgh are dependents). If the federal government considers you
independent for financial aid purposes, complete the section below for Independent Students.
Only complete this section if you are dependent for financial aid purposes. Report the asset amounts for the
student and parent for all three questions below. Report zeros when necessary ($0) and do not leave any
items blank. Report amounts as of the date that you completed the 2020-2021 FAFSA, not the current value.
1. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was your total
balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts? Exclude student financial aid.
2. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was the net worth
of your investments and real estate? Exclude the home you live in.
3. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was the net worth
of your businesses and investment farms?
Student Ink Signature Date
Parent Ink Signature Date
Only complete this section if you are independent for financial aid purposes. Report the asset amounts for the
student and parent for all three questions below. Report zeros when necessary ($0) and do not leave any
items blank. Report amounts as of the date that you completed the 2020-2021 FAFSA, not the current value.
1. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was your total
balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts? Exclude student financial aid.
2. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was the net worth
of your investments and real estate? Exclude the home you live in.
3. As of the date you completed your 2020-2021 FAFSA, what was the net worth
of your businesses and investment farms?
Student Ink Signature Date
Optional Spouse Ink Signature Date
• Report all asset amounts of your FAFSA completion date, not the current value.
• Total balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts: sum the balances of cash, savings, and checking accounts.
• Net worth of investments and real estate: Sum the market value of investments and real estate, and then subtract any debt
related to these investments (ex. mortgage, loan etc). Investments include real estate (exclude your primary residence), trust
funds, money market funds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, stocks, stock options, bonds, other securities, Coverdell savings
accounts, 529 college savings plans, the refund value of 529 prepaid tuition plans, installment and land sale contracts (including
mortgages held), commodities, etc. Do not include the home you live in, the value of life insurance, retirement plans (pension
funds, annuities, non-education IRAs, Keogh plans, etc.), or cash, savings, and checking accounts already reported above.
• Net worth of current businesses and investment farms: sum the value of your current businesses and then subtract any debt
related to the business and investment farm. Businesses and investment farm value includes the market value of land, buildings,
machinery, equipment, inventory, etc. Do not include the value of a family farm that you (or your parents) live on and operate. Do
not include the value of a small business that you (or your parents) own and control and that has 100 or fewer full-time or full-time
equivalent employees.