Commonwealth Honors Program
Student: On a separate sheet of paper, type your responses to each of the following questions by
number in the order listed. We understand that your focus may change slightly as you complete the
project. The Honors Committee will review the proposal and forward their comments to the student and
the faculty mentor. Please keep a copy of the information form and the written proposal for your
records. Note: The proposal MUST be reviewed and accepted by your faculty mentor before submitting
it to the Honors Coordinator. Incomplete or poorly written proposals will not be accepted by the
Honors Committee.
1. Put your name, student ID, the name of the course, and your faculty mentor’s name at the top
of the Written Proposal.
2. Title of project
3. Description of the project (150-200 words) containing the following:
a. Preliminary thesis statement or statement of purpose. (The project should have a focus
specific enough to do it justice in the time allowed for completion.)
b. List of objectives (What do you hope to learn, demonstrate or accomplish from
completing the project?)
c. A statement on how this project exceeds the course content and requirements.
d. Methodology to be used (Library research, internet research, laboratory experiments,
surveys, interviews, etc.)
4. List at least three specific sources that you will use by title and author. Mostly primary sources
should be used. DO NOT list your course text as one of your sources. Your mentor can help you
find some initial sources. Your final paper will include your complete list of Works Cited.
5. Tentative schedule for completion of the project. Include:
a. The approximate dates you will meet with your faculty mentor (at least 5 meetings)
b. The submission dates of your outline, first draft, and final draft to your faculty mentor
c. The date, exact time and room number of your classroom presentation; this must take
place BEFORE final exam week.
• The completed Honors Project Proposal is due at the Honors Coordinator’s office or via email
by the end of the fourth week of the semester.
• Students must attend the Honors Poster Session (see Honors Coordinator time/room/date).
• The final Honors Project paper must be submitted to the Honors Coordinator by noon on the
Friday of final exam week
ns?: Contact Honors Coordinator Ginger Hurajt
Office C317B
Commonwealth Honors Program website:
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