California State University, East Bay
Honorarium Program
An honorarium is a one-time payment for a special lecture/seminar given by an individual or a specific class or
instruction program under the direction of a University faculty member or administrator. If the honorarium is for
a University employee, the event must be outside the normal duties and responsibilities and performed outside
scheduled work hours. Honoraria are defined as a form of payment that is not considered an additional or
overload appointment. Similar to a Performance Bonus and honorarium does not increase base salary and does
not impact benefits, retirement or any future employment.
University faculty and staff shall follow established mechanisms for reimbursement of expenses associated with
attendance at a University function including travel, mileage, and other out-of-pocket expenses. In special cases,
an honorarium may be provided in the form of a “participant stipend” when the knowledge, skills or abilities
derived from attending the event will provide additional benefits to the University in the future and/or when
attendance at the event serves to meet defined objectives of a University sponsored program, e.g., participation
in a survey or participation in a special symposium. Additionally, an honorarium may be provided for a singular
service, e.g., administering and/or reading a university qualifying examination, participating in a performance or
demonstration, etc.
Normally, the amount of payment is based on the salary rate of the primary appointment, not to exceed $500. A
different payment rate is permitted if appropriate for the work performed and required under special
circumstances. Such circumstances shall include unique skills and abilities required for the class or program not
available through any other resource. Furthermore, only those situations that require an excessive time
commitment in preparation or presentation and/or where the benefit or acclaim to the University far exceeds
any personal benefit to the individual, would honoraria be granted above $500.
Deans/Directors (MPP) have the authority to grant honoraria to University faculty and staff not to exceed $500
and shall ensure that honoraria are provided in accordance with program criteria. The Director of Human
Resources shall review and authorize honoraria above $500 and shall consult with the appropriate Cabinet Officer
on all requests for honoraria above $1,000.
The President shall review and authorize honoraria requested for any administrator appointed within the
Management Personnel Plan. Honoraria for administrators shall only be granted in exceptional situations where
the activity giving rise to the honorarium brings substantial acclaim to the University.