construction of all buildings or structures over 10 square meters in area (buildings/structures
under 10square meters must still meet all zoning requirements). If there is no house on the
property you cannot building any type of auxiliary building of any size in residential zones.
all additions, renovations and alterations to existing buildings or structures (including decks,
moved on buildings or structures over 10 square meters in area (including mobile homes)
in-ground swimming pools exceeding 15 squares meters in area and 1.0 meter in depth
retaining walls 1.2 meters or higher in height
plumbing installations and alterations (including hot water heating and fire sprinkler systems)
change of use of a building
construct/install new wood burning stoves and chimneys
the construction of a concrete pad or foundation on which equipment to be used for an industrial or
commercial use is to be mounted
repair of a damaged building or structure
demolition or relocation of a building or structure
What information must accompany permit application?
See Building Permit Application Procedure Checklist attached.
Where to contact other Government Agencies
a) Driveway Access Permits
Questions relating to existing roads and accessibility should be directed to the Department of Highways
Tel: (604)740-8985, located at 3
Floor, Teredo Square.
b) Electrical/Gas Permits
Electrical and gas permits may be obtained from the Government Agent’s Office. Main Floor, Teredo
Square, Sechelt, BC, Tel: (604)885-5187 Electrical Inspector Tel: 885-5616
c) Septic/Sewage Permits
Questions relating to septic/sewage disposal should be directed to a certified installer see the website
www.bcossa.com for a list of installers.
Health Unit 885-5164
d) Easements, Convenants and Building Schemes
It is the responsibility of the permit applicant to ascertain whether there are any easements, covenants or
building schemes registered against the property. Questions relating to property registration should be
directed to the Land Titles Office, Room 160, 800 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC Tel: 660-2595
a) Construction must be started within six months from the date issuance of the permit
b) Construction shall not be discontinued or suspended for a period of more than one year
c) Permit is valid for 24 months from date of issue
d) At time of expiration, permits must be renewed (max. 2 renewals permitted)