Montgomery County, Virginia
In an era of telecommuting, the growth of small enterprises, and the need for additional income, home occupations and
businesses offer a way of earning extra income or providing alternatives to long distance commuting. While home
occupations can be a good way to develop a small business without making a large investment in an office or shop, they
can also create problems in the adjoining neighborhood, including increased traffic problems and complaints about noise,
parking, and trash. For this reason, the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance regulates both home occupations and
home businesses located in the unincorporated portions of the county. Home occupations are permitted in the A-1, C-1, R-
R, R-1, R-2, R-3, RM-1, and PUD-Res zoning districts.
According to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance, a home occupation is a business activity marked by a number
of characteristics:
• employs only members of the family residing in the residence (no non-resident, non-family employees);
is a secondary use of the residential structure (you must live there);
the area shall not
exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit; however, activity may occur in an accessory
building on the property
creates no exterior impacts, including traffic, parking demand, noise, vibration, glare, odors, or electrical interference
maintains the residential quality of both the immediate property and the neighborhood
Home occupations typically include: telecommuting professions; some computer services; and consulting, business, or
financial service professions where the customer interaction is done in locations other than the residential structure.
The primary difference between home occupations and home businesses deals with the number and type of employees
the business may hire. Home businesses can employ residents of the household and up to two (2) nonresident, non-family
employees. Other characteristics of home businesses match those of home occupations:
• is a subord
inate use (and clearly incidental) of a residential structure (you
ust live there);
the area used does not exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit;
creates no exterior impacts, including: traffic, parking demand, noise, vibration, glare, odors, or electrical interference;
maintains the residential quality of both the immediate property and the neighborhood
In addition to the requirements included in the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance, there are some other
considerations. Montgomery County does not issue a business license. First, if your business involves retail sales, you will
need to collect sales tax. For more information on required taxes, contact the Commissioner of Revenue at 540-382-5710.
Second if your business involves food preparation (e.g. catering), you will need to talk to the Health Department, at
540-381-7114, about a food service permit. Third be sure to contact the Montgomery County Inspections Department if
you are proposing any additions or alterations to structures on your property.
You are allowed to install a sign at your house to identify your business, but it must not be any larger than four (4)
square feet and setback at least ten (10) feet from all property lines.
Finally, use common sense and practice common courtesy. A business which creates heavy traffic, noise, parking
problems, involves night-time deliveries, or creates other nuisances is not suitable for a residential area and will require
different zoning. There are an adequate number of business properties available in Montgomery County, and one of the
local realtors will be happy to help you find a suitable location.
To obtain approval for your home occupation or business:
For additional information contact:
Montgomery County Planning & GIS Services
755 Roanoke Street Suite 2A, Christiansburg, VA 24073
Telephone: 540-394-2148
Revised: July 2020
Montgomery County, Virginia
Home Occupation Application
Revised: July 2020
Applicant Name: _______________________________________________
Property Owner’s Name: _________________________________________
Site Address: __________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: (______)__________________ Cell #:(______) _________________
1) Proposed Business Name ________________________________________________________________________
2) Detailed description of Home Occupation: __________________________________________________________
3) A Floor Plan sketch for each floor of your residence including dimensions for each floor, indicating the location and
size of your proposed business.
4) Dwelling Unit: ____ SQ. FT.
5) Total # o
f Employees: ____
Home Occupation: ____ SQ. FT. (portion of house used for business)
# of Employees living w/in the dwelling (including yourself): ____
6) Will your business have a sign? □ NO □ YES
If yes, please complete an Application for Zoning Approval of Sign Permit
Date Received: _________________
Received by: ___________________
Tax Parcel No:_________________
Parcel ID No: __________________
Zoning Designation: _____________
Please return this form for approval to: M
ontgomery County
Planning &
GIS Services
755 Roanoke Street Suite 2A, Christiansburg, VA 24073
I certify that I have read and understand the home occupation regulations and the proposed use
complies with current county zoning regulations. I understand that violation of any of these conditions
could result in revocation of this approval and possible legal action by Montgomery County.
Applicant Signature Date
Property Owner Signature (if different from Applicant) Date
Zoning Administrator Date
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