HDD 09/2019 Page 1 of 1
Municipal Address Subdivision Lot Number Parish
Name Location Municipal Address
1) Is this property an individually locally nominated or designated historic landmark?
□ Yes □ No
2) Does exterior work to this property require review, approval and certification as compliant by a local
historical entity or any other governing body due to its historic status?
□ Yes □ No
3) During current ownership, has all exterior work been reviewed, approved, inspected and certified as
compliant by a local historical entity or any other governing body as of the date indicated below?
□ Yes □ No
4) Are there any pending or open permit applications for the property with a local historical entity or any
other governing body as of the date indicated below?
□ Yes □ No
If yes, please provide details below or attach documentation.
5) To the best of the seller’s or sellers’ knowledge, are there any outstanding violations relating to the
historic designation of this property as of the date indicated below?
□ Yes □ No
Sellers acknowledges that the information contained herein is current as of this date.
SELLER _______________________________________________________________________________
sign print Date Time
SELLER _______________________________________________________________________________
sign print Date Time