To ensure prompt but thorough review, a complete hire with tenure packet should include the following items.
1. The candidate's Curriculum
Vitae (C.V.)
2. Letters of Evaluation from
outside reviewers
• Evaluation by experts outside of LSU are defined in IV.I.3. of PS 36‐
T (p. 40). For initial appointments with tenure, the outside letters
of evaluation must satisfy the criteria listed on page 41.
• If the candidate is being considered for a lateral position in rank and
tenure from a comparable institution, at least one external
evaluation letter solicited by LSU is required.
• If candidate is being considered for a higher rank than previously
held, three external evaluator letters solicited by LSU is required.
3. Summary of three reference calls
or three letters of
• When files require consideration beyond the college, references
should either be written letters of recommendation, or other written
summaries of contact with the identified person providing the
reference (p. 25).
4. Name and address of every
outside reviewer asked to write
5. A brief statement of each
outside reviewer’s qualifications
• The statement of qualifications should include each outside
reviewer’s academic rank and institution of employment.
6. A sample letter used to request
the outside evaluations
• Solicitation of letters should be formatted in the standard request
as outlined in Appendix D of PS 36‐ T and should avoid conflicts of
7. The report of the departmental
• The criteria for the report of a department’s recommendation are
defined in section IV.I.3. (p. 42).
• Whenever the faculty panel arrives at a recommendation, the
report will reflect the deliberations of the faculty panel and will
1. A tally of the vote.
2. The number of panel members who did not vote.
3. Analysis and explanations, as needed, with regard to letters
from outside experts, in cases when those are included. All
material in which the content of those letters is revealed or
their authors identified will be presented separately and kept
confidential to the extent possible as required by PS‐
0 and
applicable law.
4. An account of the important factors underlying the panel's
recommendation, including minority views, with written
statements by those supporting a minority viewpoint when
8. The chair's recommendation
• The chair will write his or her own statement indicating his or her
recommendation, explaining as necessary the terms of the
• If teaching is included within faculty responsibilities, evidence of
tenure‐worthy teaching must be included in the chair’s letter of
support (ex. summary of past student evaluations, teaching awards,
and success of former students).
9. The dean’s recommendation
• Provost's and deans' advisory committees are explained in section
IV.A.6. of PS36‐T (p. 12). To help assure rigorous and thorough
reviews, advisory committees, established in advance and
composed of senior faculty, will be employed by the deans of
departmentalized colleges when considering recommendations
for tenure with an initial appointment.
• While advisory committee recommendations will not become part
of appointment or review files, the dean will incorporate the vote
and comments by the advisory committee in his or her
10. The Provost’s Advisory
Committee Form
• Section I. of the form must be completed before it is submitted to
11. The proposed employment
contract (Per‐25 form)
• The contract must be signed by the department head and dean.