High School Special Program College Policies
Dear Student and Parents,
In order to make your college academic experience a positive one, we would like to address the following areas:
• FERPA: California Education Code 49061 states that parents of community college students do not have a right of access to their
children’s student records, regardless of whether the student is under the age of 18. The rules regarding student records are governed
by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Academic information is only released with the written consent of the
student or court documentation.
• Disability Support Services: Students with verified disabilities should contact SWC Disability Support Services (DSS) before
classes begin to discuss appropriate accommodations and/or services: Voice (619) 482-6512 or VP (619) 207-4480 or
DSS@swccd.edu. Accommodations provided with K-12 Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 Plans are not automatic.
Students must go through an interactive process with a SWC DSS Specialist to determine accommodations for SWC courses. Visit the
DSS website to obtain more information at www.swccd.edu/dss.
• Grades: The grade(s) you earn in your Southwestern College class will become a part of your official college academic transcript.
Students may view their course grades by logging into MySWC account.
• Attendance and Participation is critical to Success: Be on time to class and/or class activities. Instructors are specific about the
number of times you are entitled to be late or absent. You may be dropped by the instructor if you do not attend classes or have
excessive tardies.
• Withdrawing from a class: If you are not able to commit to the rigor and demands of a college course, you might consider
withdrawing from the class. When you just stop attending a class, you are not withdrawing from the class. If you do not officially
withdraw through MySWC by the withdrawal deadline, you will receive an “F” in the class. See your high school counselor for more
• Course Content/ Material: SWC is an adult learning environment. As such, discussion topics and course materials are generally
designed for adult students and may not be appropriate for younger students.
• Academic Cheating and Plagiarism: You must do your own work. Please cite and make references correctly. Cheating and
plagiarism may be handled with a zero grade and possibly a referral to the Southwestern College Student Conduct procedure.
• Student Behavioral Conduct: Be ready to learn and interact with your fellow students in class. Southwestern College does not give
citizenship/behavior grades. We expect every student to behave like a responsible adult. Remember that the amount of information
given will be intense and you must ask the instructor questions.
Examples of unacceptable classroom behavior may include:
Cheating, plagiarism Excessive tardiness Talking or text messaging on cell phones
Continually leaving your seat Personal electronic equipment (phones, games)
Eating and drinking Private conversation or affection
Excessive profanity Reading other than class materials
• Parents Contacting Instructors: Your student is enrolled in a college course and it is important to understand that instructors
work directly with students, as opposed to the type of parent interventions that you may be accustomed to at the high school level.
Under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), instructors cannot discuss student performance or other student-related
issues with parents. Southwestern College does not accommodate parent requests to contact instructors.
• Medical Emergency Authorization: In the case of a medical emergency, by signing the High School Special Program Request
form, the parent hereby authorize the medical staff of Southwestern College Health Services, as agents for the undersigned, to
perform diagnostic procedures, administer any counseling, medical, or first aid treatment, or admit for hospital care when any or all
of the foregoing is deemed advisable and is to be rendered under the general supervision of any physician licensed under the
provisions of the Medical Practice Act.
Your signature on this document certifies that you have read, understand and agree to the above policies and requirements.
Furthermore, you have also reviewed and assessed your son/daughter’s ability to succeed in the classes recommended by the
high school and that he/she has your approval to enroll in Southwestern College courses.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Student Signature Date
We encourage you to discuss any other college-related topics with your student. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact the Southwestern College Outreach Office at (619) 482-6518.
HSS.sc.revised 1.27.20