1. Plan and commit to dedicated time for you.
Open your calendar and block out at least one hour, right now. Block this time on
every single electronic and paper calendar you use. Do not cancel or shift this
time commitment!
Even better: can you make this time commitment a recurring event? If so, do it.
2. An important chapter in your life has just come to a close. Think about the
next version of you that you want to become. What cues or inspiration can
you take from those around you to be the next best version of yourself?
Name three people who inspire you.
(e.g. a friend, relative, celebrity, colleague, etc.)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
What is it that inspires you about these three people?
List three qualities about each that you admire: (e.g. their drive, their honesty,
trustworthiness, an amazing sense of style, ability to keep cool under pressure, etc.)
“If you’re not here yet, and it feels too far away to think about the kind
of person you want to be in your next chapter, scale back the vision.
Think instead about what you need now to survive the day.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Person 1:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
Person 2:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
Person 3:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
“Mental health is every single bit as important as physical health. In
assigning mental health the importance it deserves, it can make it far
easier and more motivating to seek out and build supports to manage
your own mental health.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Annie Wright Psychotherapy
3. Thinking about the next version of you, identify one major goal you want to
achieve in the next six months that will help you feel more grounded,
secure and more like the “you” that you want to be:
In the next six months, I want to: _____________________________________________________
4. Now, identify the rst step you need to take in your journey to reach that
goal. How do you need to feel? What do you need to learn? What rst action do you
need to take?
The rst step I need to take is: _______________________________________________________
5. To help you take that rst step, circle the type of self-care you feel you need
now to make that rst step:
Sanity: You need focus and time to process. You need to feel like it’s not just
you against the world.
Balance: You’re feeling o-kilter and want to settle yourself. You need some
grounding and a good dose of reality.
Comfort: You need some TLC, stat. Bring on the comfort food, the fuzzy
blanket and a hug.
Positive Energy: You’re feeling down and really need a pick-me-up. You need
a good dose of positivity to jump start your engine.
Inspiration: You need a little wisdom and motivation. A tiny spark from
someone or something that can light your internal re again.
Now, write the category you’ve selected in the blank lines in the next section below.
6. Create a menu of activities to help you get the type of care you want:
Think back to the year before you were married. List ve activities you loved to do
that helped you feel (insert your answer from question 5) .
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Think back to your teenage years and list ve activities from that time that you
loved to do that helped you feel (insert your answer from question 5) .
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Put yourself in the shoes of the three people you listed in question #2, who inspire
you. List ve activities you think (or know) they engage in to help themselves feel
happy, fullled and on the right track.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Good job! Now you’ve got a list of 15 potential ways to meaningfully ll the time
you’ve already committed to yourself.
“What do you need to take care of your body right now? What nourishes your
body and soul when you have a few free hours? Remember: self-care doesn’t
always look like sleep, yoga or green juice. Maybe self-care is a round of golf
or game night with the guys; maybe it’s booking an international trip if you
haven’t traveled in a few years, or maybe it’s nally treating yourself to that
leather motorcycle jacket you’ve had your eye on.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
7. Review your activity menu. Pick three activities that feel manageable with
in the time frame you have blocked for yourself. Rank them in order from
most to least appealing.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. Looking at these three activities, how will each one help you take that rst
step toward your larger goal?
9. Choose the activity that will help you take the best rst step forward. Add
it to your calendar right now.
Congratulations! You’ve made time to take care of you, and you’ve got a plan for
how to ll that time.
10. Implement. Repeat.
For more resources, tips and advice on wellness during and post divorce,
visit Annie Wright Psychotherapy or view our collection of
Hello Divorce Lifestyle Resources.
Activity 1: ________________________________
Activity 2: ________________________________
Activity 3: ________________________________
How it will help: _________________________
How it will help: _________________________
How it will help: _________________________