’s mg  jt
c nay to me.
I’ve been interested in going to
beauty school for _________ years!
The first time I realized I wanted to
become a hairdresser was when
________________________________ .
There are so many
opportunities career-wise.
My ultimate dream job
would be __________________.
Our state requires _________ hours
of education, which consist of
theory and hands-on education.
This allows me to learn the skills in
the classroom and practice them
on the salon floor.
Once I graduate from
______________________, I’ll have
to sit for the state board exam to
earn my cosmetology license.
I know that this won’t be easy, and I’ll have to work hard at
it, but I’m ready to accept the challenge!
This industry fits me because _______________________________
and allows me to be ______________________________________
One of your biggest fears is _____________________________,
but the industry is booming!
And, its a very caring industry: Theres so much support
through the school and the industry itself.
I’ll have a connected support
system and would like to add
you, ______________________,
to that list.
Please support my dreams
in becoming a licensed
Thank you!