Item (1)
Write the name, home address and telephone
number of the person you are selecting as
your agent.
Item (2)
If you want to appoint an alternate agent,
write the name, home address and telephone
number of the person you are selecting as
your alternate agent.
Item (3)
Your Health Care Proxy will remain valid
indefinitely unless you set an expiration date
or condition for its expiration. This section is
optional and should be filled in only if you want
your Health Care Proxy to expire.
Item (4)
If you have special instructions for your agent,
write them here. Also, if you wish to limit your
agent’s authority in any way, you may say so
here or discuss them with your health care
agent. If you do not state any limitations, your
agent will be allowed to make all health care
decisions that you could have made, including
the decision to consent to or refuse life-
sustaining treatment.
If you want to give your agent broad authority,
you may do so right on the form. Simply write: I
have discussed my wishes with my health care
agent and alternate and they know my wishes
including those about artificial nutrition and
If you wish to make more specific instructions,
you could say:
If I become terminally ill, I do/don’t want to
receive the following types of treatments....
If I am in a coma or have little conscious
understanding, with no hope of recovery,
then I do/don’t want the following types of
If I have brain damage or a brain disease
that makes me unable to recognize people
or speak and there is no hope that my
condition will improve, I do/don’t want the
following types of treatments:....
I have discussed with my agent my wishes
about____________ and I want my agent
to make all decisions about these measures.
Examples of medical treatments about which
you may wish to give your agent special
instructions are listed below. This is not a
complete list:
• artificial respiration
• artificial nutrition and hydration (nourish-
ment and water provided by feeding tube)
• cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
• antipsychotic medication
• electric shock therapy
• antibiotics
• surgical procedures
• dialysis
• transplantation
• blood transfusions
• abortion
• sterilization
Item (5)
You must date and sign this Health Care
Proxy form. If you are unable to sign yourself,
you may direct someone else to sign in your
presence. Be sure to include your address.
Item (6)
You may state wishes or instructions about
organ and /or tissue donation on this form.
New York law does provide for certain
individuals in order of priority to consent to an
organ and/or tissue donation on your behalf:
your health care agent, your decedent’s agent,
your spouse , if you are not legally separated,
or your domestic partner, a son or daughter 18
years of age or older, either of your parents,
a brother or sister 18 years of age or older,
a guardian appointed by a court prior to the
donor’s death.
Item (7)
Two witnesses 18 years of age or older must
sign this Health Care Proxy form. The person
who is appointed your agent or alternate agent
cannot sign as a witness.