Employee’s name (first, middle, last):
Sponsoring department: Name of H-1B sponsor:
Department contact: Proposed UMMC job title:
Number of hours to be worked each week:
Salary (per year) or wage (per hour):
Number of people this person will supervise:
Dates of intended employment:
Provide a summary of the H-1B workers’s proposed/current duties and responsibilities. Please enter
actual day-to-day duties and responsibilities rather than a generic description. Example: for researchers
include a detailed description of the reasearch performed, specific laboratory techniques utilized, etc.
Please check one:
Initial H-1B petition
Extension of current H-1B authorization - no change in employment since filing of last petition
Extension of current H-1B authorization - nominal change in employement (title, duties, salary, etc.)
since filing of last petition
Amended petition - substantial change in employment (title, duties, salary, etc.)
Change in H-1B employer sponsorship (transfer to UMMC from another organization/institution)
This form must be completed by the department sponsoring the prospective H-1B employee. It must be signed by
both the faculty sponsor and department chairman/head. Please return this form together with the H-1B Applicant
Information Form to the Office of International Services.
Title(s) of position(s) to be supervised: