Proposed Project: Create a coupled river – Mississippi Sound hydrodynamic model for
sustainable coastal restoration in Mississippi
Description of Proposed Project:
This objective will be a collaborative coordinated research effort towards understanding
connectivity between our rivers and streams, and how they influence hydrological patterns of our
bays, estuaries, and eventually the Mississippi Sound. There have been several excellent, yet
disparate, research efforts across the Mississippi Gulf coast of bays and estuaries and the
Mississippi Sound. For example, the US Army Corps of Engineers CH3D modeling for the
Mississippi Sound for the MsCIP program in 2007; ERDC/NRL conducted a 3D watershed
model of the Biloxi Bay Watershed and coupled it to ADCIRC in Biloxi Bay and the Mississippi
Sound; the Northern Gulf Institute has conducted an integrated ecosystem assessment for St.
Louis Bay around water quality drivers and stressors, and there is currently a WASP/EFDC
effort underway through Mississippi State University in St Louis Bay. There are likely an
additional half dozen data sources, that have either had no connectivity to link these research
efforts, nor were the efforts not explicitly focused on restoration outcomes, and there are still
missing pieces that are required to understand the system holistically.
This objective’s effort will be a foundational step in identifying critical observational data gaps
needed to support and implement an interdisciplinary modeling framework designed to address
Mississippi’s directive towards sustainable coastal restoration. The final deliverable will be a
foundational hydrodynamic model that represents a key beginning to understanding transport
dynamics in our coastal system. The modeling framework will be designed to directly benefit
several restoration efforts such as marsh creation and preservation, artificial reef placement,
support of beach re-nourishment, and supporting oyster reef restoration and production. The
modeling framework will be developed in phases to provide a coupled hydrologic and
hydrodynamic framework within which distributions of suspended sediment, nutrients, dissolved
oxygen and other key water quality parameters can be added. Additionally, the framework’s
ability to simulate circulation will assist in the design and construction of restoration projects.
For example, simulation of circulation will improve the design and likelihood of success of
oyster reef restoration by optimizing structure height, avoidance of high siltation, and positioning
according to larval transport for spat recruitment to established sites. By exploring various inflow
scenarios, model-generated projections will deliver guidance on how best to implement living
resource restoration through site selection assessments that offer objective justification of coastal
restoration expenditures.
Ground-truthing with new and existing data will validate the user- and public-friendly model,
and the product will be applied to the adaptive measures for site restoration and management.
Moreover, this foundational program will gain added value and potential leverage from other
funded and proposed oil-spill research and modeling studies to provide the most effective use of
restoration dollars.