a. Species that are federally listed or proposed for listing as threatened
or endangered, or their proposed or designated critical habitats; and
b. Properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of
Historic Places.
Yes No 4. Is there a reasonable likelihood of impacts that are highly uncertain or
involve unknown risks or is there a substantial scientific controversy over
the effects?
Yes No 5. Is there a reasonable likelihood of air pollution at levels of concern or
otherwise requiring a formal conformity determination under the Clean Air
Yes No 6. Is there a reasonable likelihood of a disproportionately high and adverse
effect on low income or minority populations (see Executive Order 12898)?
Yes No 7. Is there a reasonable likelihood of contributing to the introduction or
spread of noxious weeds or non-native invasive species or actions that may
promote the introduction, or spread of such species (see Federal Noxious
Weed Control Act and Executive Order 13112)?
Yes No 8. Is there a reasonable likelihood of a release of petroleum, oils, or
lubricants (except from a properly functioning engine or vehicle) or
reportable releases of hazardous or toxic substances as specified in 40 CFR
part 302 (Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification); or where the
proposed action results in the requirement to develop or amend a Spill
Prevention, Control, or Countermeasures Plan in accordance with the Oil
Pollution Prevention regulation?
Supplemental Information
Where appropriate, the following table should be used to provide additional information
regarding the review of potential extraordinary circumstances and compliance with other
applicable laws. The purpose of this table is to ensure that there is adequate information for
specific findings regarding potential extraordinary circumstances.
Supplemental information and documentation is not needed for each individual finding regarding
the potential extraordinary circumstances listed above. Specifically, the nature of an activity
under review may be such that a reasonable person could conclude that there is a very low
potential for a particular type of extraordinary circumstance to exist. For example, it would be
reasonable to conclude that the simple act of acquiring land for conservation purposes (where