Honors colloquium proposal form
Colloquium information Please attach a narrative course description to this form.
In the narrative for Honors colloquium description, you are invited to discuss the following aspects of the
• Which topics will make up the content of the colloquium—in which order will you cover your topics?
• Which types of activities (in and out of the classroom) will you use for the colloquium?
• Can you provide a week-by-week description of colloquium activities?
1. Title of the proposed colloquium (Honors colloquia are listed by WebAdvisor as IDS-398):
2. Academic semester for which the colloquium is proposed: !Fall !Spring Year 20_____
3. Proposed schedule (days and time): ________________________________________
4. Special resources (list any resources which may require special arrangements, e.g. equipment, a field trip, a
speaker, materials, or a special classroom)
5. Phone __________________________E-mail _________________________________
Signature(s) of faculty member(s) _____________________________________ Date_______________
_____________________________________ Date_______________
Signature(s) of department head(s) ____________________________________ Date_______________
____________________________________ Date_______________
Signature(s) of dean(s) ____________________________________ Date_______________
____________________________________ Date_______________
Decision of the Honors committee
! Accepted ! Accepted with revisions ! Accepted but delayed ! Declined
Signature of Honors director _________________________________________ Date_______________