Footnotes and endnotes. The format and style of documentation of sources varies among
disciplines. The format/style used also may be one that is required by the journal, monograph,
book or other type of publication to which the dissertation/thesis is submitted. Students are to use
the chosen format consistently throughout the thesis/dissertation. Even if references are inserted
as endnotes, they still must be included in the bibliography at the end of the work. Students
should consult with their committee chairperson to identify a style appropriate to be used
consistently throughout the manuscript.
Arabic numerals are used to number supplemental pages. The numbering continues from the
main text pages. The page number and running head, if applicable, are placed in the upper right
corner of the page.
Appendices. Appendices are used for supplementary illustrative materials such as research
or survey instruments, original data, extended tables or charts, mathematical derivations,
computer programs, or quotations too lengthy for inclusion in the text or not immediately
essential to an understanding of the text. IRB or IACUC approval letters to use human or animal
subjects, Informed Consent forms, Informed Assent forms, and survey forms used in the research
process also are placed in the appendices. Students must include the signed IRB or IACUC,
copies of the informed consent/informed assent forms, copies of research questions, surveys and
other research forms in the appendices if they were a part of the thesis/dissertation. Student is
also to include a curriculum vitae.
Appendices follow the last page of the text. Introduce the appendix with a consecutively
numbered page on which the word Appendix (or Appendices) is centered without punctuation.
Each appendix should be labeled, either at the top or on a proceeding blank page, as Appendix A,
Appendix B, etc. The sequence of the appendices follows the order where they were first
introduced in the main body of the text. Each appendix needs to be labeled and named in the
main body of the text for it to be included in the appendix section.
In the main Table of Contents, include Appendix or Appendices, with the page number of the
first page of the appendix section. If there are several appendices, each should be listed and
labeled in the Table of Contents, indented, under the listing of Appendices, with its appropriate
page number.
Bibliography (List of References, or Citations, or List of Sources). The last section of the
thesis or dissertation is the bibliography. Since nearly all theses and dissertations make use of
other works, either in direct quotation or by reference, this section typically is required. The
format/style used is to conform to the requirements of the student’s academic discipline or the
journal, monograph, book or other type of publication where the student intends to publish the
work. Each citation listed in the text must be included in the bibliography. The minimum
requirements usually are that the referencing system and bibliography be consistent throughout
the manuscript, that they are clear, and that they fully agree with each other. All work cited in the
text must be included in the bibliography. Some word processing systems provide features that
assist with formatting of citations and references.
Curriculum vitae. This page is to be one to two pages, single‐spaced, and contain a brief
account of the author’s academic credentials, work experience, professional memberships and
contributions to the discipline, in the form of professional presentations and published
manuscripts [See sample in Appendix B].