Covid-19 ‘Coronavirus’ emergency SPECIAL GRANTS
Special grants for groups and organizations
helping the community during the
Covid-19 “Coronavirus” emergency
Application form and guidance notes for applicants
These notes explain the Council's ‘special needs’ grants, which may be available to groups and organizations
working to assist the community during the Covid -19 ‘Coronavirus’ emergency
This application can only be submitted by email
1. Read these guidance notes
2. DOWNLOAD the application and save it to your computer.
3. RENAME the application file appropriately, to identify it as your application.
4. OPEN the renamed file and complete all sections electronically.
a. It is possible to SAVE the part-completed form at any point and return to it later.
b. You will be asked to digitally SIGN the form in two places – simply follow the prompts to do this.
a. Ensure you SAVE the file for your own records and then
b. send it, with any additional documents, as an email attachment to:
Covid-19 Coronavirusemergency SPECIAL GRANTS
Lewes Town Council has suspended its normal grants programme during the Covid-19 Coronavirusemergency
The Council has earmarked funds which may be available to community groups and organizations working to
assist the community during the crisis.
These may be existing community groups and associations (eg foodbanks), or simply small groups of neighbours
who have formed since the emergency began to help each other and others in their area.
There is a limited budget agreed for this scheme. It is therefore important that all the questions on the application
form are answered as fully as possible to provide a detailed picture of your proposed project or of the activities of
your organisation in the current emergency.
Amounts over £2000 will be given only in exceptional circumstances. If you feel you may have a special case
please discuss this with the Town Clerk before making an application.
Applications will be assessed by a group of Councillors, covering five aspects:
1. The benefit to the community during the current emergency.
2. The general “robustness” of the proposal – its perceived likelihood of success or sustainability.
3. The financial position (eg how prudent are your assumptions ?; is other finance in place ?).
4. What is the scale/scope of the proposal? Who benefits; how many people, or special groups?
5. A general assessment of the application; allowing for any special circumstances or considerations.
Councillors may decide to recommend lesser amounts than requested, or to refuse applications.
Applicants should clearly explain whether they are also contributing their own funds, or seeking additional support,
or are asking for the Council to fund the whole scheme or project.
Council’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered-into regarding applications.
1. Applications will not be considered for grants to commercial organizations, and only in appropriate
circumstances to individuals.
2. Applications will not be considered from organizations intending to support or oppose any particular
political party, or to discriminate in any way (eg on grounds of race or religion, etc.).
3. Applications will not be considered from private businesses operated to make profit/surplus.
4. Applications will not be considered from “upwards funders", ie. local groups whose fund-raising is sent to
their central headquarters for redistribution.
5. Applications will not be considered from organizations or groups with access to funds from national
"umbrella" or "parent" organizations, unless funds are not available from their national bodies, or the funds
available are inadequate for a specified project.(evidence will be required).
6. Applications from religious groups will be considered only where a clear benefit to the wider community
can be demonstrated irrespective of their religious beliefs.
7. Applications from education, health or social services establishments will be considered where the
organization can demonstrate that it is working in partnership with other groups and there are benefits to
the wider community.
8. The organization or group must have clearly-stated aims and objectives.
9. If it has one, an organization must provide a written constitution that has been formally adopted or, where
their association is less “formal”, similar evidence of agreement between individuals.
10. The organization must provide, or propose to provide, an activity or service that is believed to be clearly
needed by the local community or by a particular group of residents.
Covid-19 Coronavirusemergency SPECIAL GRANTS
11. If the organization is established, it will be required to submit details from its accounts. In the case of a
newly formed organization or less formal group, a comprehensive statement allowing the Council to
understand its financial position.
12. If the organization is established, it is required to have a bank account in its own name with at least two
authorized representatives required to sign and a demonstrable financial control system. If recently-formed
or informally associated, details will be required to satisfy the Council of adequate control over bank
accounts that are to be used.
13. Lewes Town Council reserves the right to reclaim the grant in the event of it not being used for the
purpose specified on the application form.
14. Grantees will be required to submit a report detailing how the grant has been applied.
Do not worry if you cannot complete all sections of the form!
LIMIT supporting information to what is requested.
You are strongly advised to complete the checklist on the last page, and to keep a copy for your own records
If you need assistance with any section, or just want to ask further questions before submitting the form,
please ask, although given the present situation this must be by email to:
Telephone messages may be left on 01273 471469calls will not be answered but this is checked daily
Section A We simply need to know who you are, and how we should contact you.
Section B We are seeking enough information to allow us some insight into the “workings” of your group.
Don’t worry about fine detail; we simply need to form a vision of your group and how it goes about its work.
Section C We need to form a clear picture of the reason for your application. We will look for a genuine
benefit to the community during the present emergency, and evidence of sensible planning and identification of
need. Always remember that the money we award is given by the people of Lewes, and we must be assured that it
will be spent wisely.
We will use the information you provide in this section to gain assurance that the project is viable; will be
adequately managed; and that you have planned sensibly to achieve your aims. Do not worry about precise details
(unless the plan is very simple) we are looking for an overall impression of the elements of your scheme and how
you have approached it.
Section D If you can provide formal documents and details then do so. If you are a small or informal group,
then you should attempt to show clearly how you ensure proper control of your financial affairs. IF YOU NEED
Section E We must be assured that the application is made with the approval of your organization, if you are
formally-structured. If you are a small, informal, group this can be addressed with a simple written statement from
the parties involved.
Section F This is a binding agreement which will apply in the event that your application is successful.
Please read it carefully, and do not sign it unless you understand the terms and are prepared to accept them fully.
Section H CHECKLIST - Please take a moment to go through these points, and tick to show us that you
have done so. You are strongly advised to keep a copy of your completed application for your own records.
Good luck and thank you for your help to the community during the present emergency.
See co
ver page for instructions on how to complete and submit the application form
Covid-19 emergency Grant Application
Please read our guidance notes carefully before completing
this form.
It is
not necessary to fully-complete every section - mark 'not applicable' if appropriate
LIMIT supporting information to that which is requested
A Contact details
1 Name and address of your group or organisation
2 Any other name you use or name of your project if this is different
3 MAIN CONTACT for this application
This must be someone who knows about your project and can be contacted reasonably easily. This is normally the person completing the form.
Title _________ First name _____________________________ Surname ________________________________
4 Position held in the organisation
5 Contact address, including full postcode
6 This address is: (tick one box only):
Your organisation’s office The
main contact’s home address Other (please specify)
Email address _______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Day _______________________________ Evening ______________________________________
B About your organisation
8 What type of organisation are you? Tick all boxes that apply.
Community group/club/society Company limited by guarantee Registered Charity in England
Registration number if applicable _____________________________ Other (please describe)
Do you directly
any paid staff? Yes /No
If Yes
: how many? _______ and do you pay them, as a minimum, the Living Wage Foundation Living Wage?
Yes /No
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Office use only
Ref:/ EG
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9 When did your organization or group start? ie When did it first start meeting or running activities or projects?
Month Year
10 Br
iefly describe the purpose of your organisation.
Describe the usual activities/services you provide. If you are a new group, describe what you plan to provide.
If you have a written constitution, you must enclose a copy with this application
11 If
you are a branch of, or related to, a larger organisation, please give details.
12 How many people (approximately) are involved in your organisation ?
Management committee members ________ Volunteers ________ Paid officers/staff _________
Ordinary Members ________________ Others ____________ (please describe):
13 Do
you have a “Friends” society or similar supporters group ? YES
YES, how many members does it have ? ________________________
14 Please tick/complete if your group has any of the following:
Public liability insurance Maximum Cover £ ________
er insurance (specify)
Maximum Cover £ ________
(s) of governing or affiliated body(-ies):
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C About your project/service
15 Describe the project or service. eg
Does it have a working title? What does it aim to achieve? How will it work?
Please enclose any supporting documents, plans, projections etc. NB - brief summaries are preferable to complex
16 Please tell us why you think this should receive funding from Lewes Town Council.
Please refer to guidance notes.
17 Ho
w have you identified the need for this?
18 Whe
n do you intend your project or service to start and finish?
Start _________________
Finish ________________
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Approximately how many people do you
will benefit directly from your project ?
YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS QUESTION although ‘educated guesses or single total are acceptable
Age group
outside Lewes
Under 5
6 10
11 16
17 21
22 59
Over 60
All ages
Special or minority groups (please describe)
20 W
hat, if any, special issues are related to your project ?
Special issuescould be related to participants, organisers, general public and/or the environment.
21 How
will you measure the success of your project ?
22 W
hat experience does your organization, or individual members, have of running this type of project ?
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Tell us the estimated cost for your project and give a summary of how this is made up. We need this
information to assess your application thoroughly. If you have a project budget, or have received estimates/quotations,
please enclose copies.
Item or activity
Estimated Cost
24 Have you sought funding from any other source ? YES NO
(Yes/No), or
Decision awaited ?
Conditions attached ?
25a How much of YOUR OWN MONEY will be used for this project ? £ __________________________
26 Please give any additional information that you think may be helpful:
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D Your financial details
27 Your bank or building society account details. (for payment in the event that your application is successful)
If your application is successful you will be notified and funds will be paid by electronic transfer as promptly as possible.
Bank/Building Society name _________________________________________________________________
Bank/Building Society address
Branch Sort Code: __________________________________________________________________________
Account number or Building Society roll number __________________________________________________
Account Name _____________________________________________________________________________
28 List all the people who are authorised to sign cheques or other withdrawals on this account.
Position in organization
If your organisation is less than one year old, do not complete section 29 below, but instead please give details of
information on which you have based your planning (state clearly any assumptions upon which you have relied when
making projections, etc.).
Then go to section E
29 Please provide the following summary details from your most recent annual accounts.
Account year ending: ______________ Total (gross income) £___________
Minus total expenditure £ __________
Equals loss/profit for the year £ __________
Savings (reserves, cash or investments) £ __________
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E Authority and application
30 Declaration and signature of applicant
This must be signed by the person who completed this application, normally the person named as main contact in section A
I c
onfirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application form is true and correct.
I understand that you may ask for additional information.
I am authorized to act for the organization or group in making this application for financial assistance
ature _____________________________________________ Date ______________________
me (please print) ______________________________________________________
ntact details (if different from those given in section A):
31 Please give details of a senior member of your organisation, who can confirm details if required
For example: this may be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Executive or Director.
If this is the person who has completed and signed above, please tick here
Title _________ First name _____________________________ Surname ________________________________
Position in the organization _______________________________________________________________________
Contact address, including postcode
Telephone: Day _________________________________ Evening ______________________________________
Email address
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F Agreement
I confirm that the group or organisation named on the front of the application form has authorised me to sign this
agreement on their behalf.
I certify that the information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge, and confirm that all enclosures
are current, accurate and adopted or approved by the organisation.
If this application is successful, in full or in part, the organisation will keep to the following terms and conditions.
I understand that this is an agreement between the organisation named above and Lewes Town Council, which is intended
to be legally binding, under the laws of England and Wales.
We understand and agree to the following:
1 We will deliver the commissioned service or project as set out in this application.
2 We will not make any major change to the commissioned service without first receiving Lewes Town Council
3 We will not sell or dispose of any equipment or other assets which we have purchased in connection with this
service/project without Lewes Town Council agreement. If we sell any equipment or assets, we may have to pay
Lewes Town Council part of the money we receive for them. The amount we repay will be in direct proportion to the
share of the service/project cost represented by Lewes Town Councils grant.
4 We will comply with all relevant legislation affecting the way we carry out our service/project.
5 We will acknowledge Lewes Town Council’s grant in any report; any accounts which cover the period of the grant and
in any publicity materials we produce about the project. We will supply copies of these documents to Lewes Town
Council if requested.
6 We will show the grant separately in our annual accounts (where applicable) as a ‘restricted fund’ and will not include it
under general funds.
7 Lewes Town Council may use our name and the name of our service/project in its own publicity materials. We will
inform Lewes Town Council of any situation where confidentiality is a particular issue.
8 We will monitor the success of the project and report to Lewes Town Council on the proforma provided.
9 We understand that Lewes Town Council will not normally increase the grant, and that monitoring and control of
service/project expenditure is our responsibility.
10 We will keep all financial records and accounts, including receipts for items bought. We will make these available to
Lewes Town Council if requested.
11 Lewes Town Council may hold back payment or ask us to repay, in whole or in part, in the following circumstances:
• If we fail to keep to this contract in any way;
• If the application was completed dishonestly or supporting documents gave false or misleading information;
• If we close down, become insolvent, go into administration, receivership or liquidation, or make an arrangement with
• If our organisation closes down we will not sell or dispose of any equipment or assets without first receiving Lewes
Town Council agreement in writing.
12 If we have bought any equipment or assets with the grant, these terms and conditions will apply until the end of the
normal expected working life of the assets.
Name (please print) _______________________________ Position in group _________________________________
Signed _________________________________________ Date _______________________________
Covid-19 emergency Grant Application
G Checklist
We have read and understood the guidance notes
We have fully completed all the sections of the application unless otherwise directed.
We have enclosed all the relevant documents/ information we need to send:
(As applicable):
Constitution/Governing documents
Accounts or financial information
Project profile or description
Statement of authority to make application
Other relevant material
The main contact named has signed the declaration
A person with the authority to do so has signed the Agreement (section F).
We have made a copy of this completed application to keep for our reference.
Please complete this form and save a copy to your computer
Please return your completed application by email to
If you need any assistance with any part of the application, please telephone
01273 471469 or e-mail
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