Aiken Technical College
Guest Student Application
Social Security No.:_____/____/_______ _________________________________________________________
Last Name First Name MI Former/Maiden
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box or Street
City State Zip Code
County of Residence: ____________________________
Home Phone (_____)______________________________
Work Phone (_____)______________________________
Email: _________________________________________
1. Birth date:
5. Enrollment Plans:
2. Sex: _____Male _____Female ____Fall (Aug-Dec) ____Spring (Jan-May)
____Summer (May-July) Year 20_______
3. Ethnic Background:
Are you Hispanic or Latino? ____Yes ____No
What is your race/ethnicity? (Check one or more)
Students - Please be advised of the following:
• It is important that you provide a valid email address with your application. Aiken Technical College
personnel will be contacting you via email regarding your registration.
• Financial aid is not available for transient students.
• Aiken Technical College does not guarantee the transferability of courses to your home institution. Please
talk with an advisor at your home institution to make sure you are taking courses that will transfer.
4. Citizen Status:
____United States Citizen ____Other
If other, what country_________________
____Immigrant/Permanent Resident
____Immigrant No.________________________
Date of Issue__________________________
____Refugee (
Must present INS card at time of application)
____Visa (specify type of visa & present at time of application)
____Diplomatic ____Student Spouse ____Visitor
Permanent Address (if dierent from mailing address):
City State Zip Code
Emergency Information:
Name ___________________________________________
Phone (____) _____________________________________
American/Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hawaiian or Pacic Islander
Non-resident alien
6. Residency:
Are you a legal resident of South Carolina?
Yes No
If yes, length of time in S.C.
Years Months
Are you a legal resident of Richmond or Columbia County
Yes No
If yes, length of time in GA:
Years Months
Are you currently on active duty or a dependent of an
active duty member of the U.S, Armed Forces stationed in
South Carolina or Richmond/Columbia County, Georgia?
_______Yes _______No