Guest&A rtist&Information&Form &
**This is not a contract**
This form requests the creation of a contract. This form must be completed by School of Music faculty only.
Legal Name of Artist &/or Manager:
Mailing Address:
Amount to be paid:
Check made payable to:
What service will artist provide
(Performance, master class, give lecture):
Date(s) of services:
Time(s) of services:
Place(s) where services take place:
Are there additional expenses (e.g. hotel,
airfare) that should be added to the
honorarium amount listed above?
If yes, describe the expense(s), including cost:
Yes No
Do we give check at performance or mail:
Performance Mail
Where to mail check:
Requesting Faculty Member signature :
Approved: ________________________ Date: ___________
Director, School of Music
Funding Source(s) (to be completed by director’s office): _____________________________