Marquette University Graduate School
Application for Graduate Student Travel Research Award
Instructions: See the award eligibility requirements and deadlines at Then, (1) Fill out this form completely.
This form must be signed by the applicant, and a department representative, such as the dean, chair, or director of graduate
studies. (2) Attach the invitation to present or acceptance notification. (3) Attach a description of the presentation, including its
significance in the field. (4) Attach your current C.V. (5) Return to the Graduate School, Holthusen Hall, room 305, or send to
Name MU ID Number
Dept/Program Degree Sought
Email Years in Program
Date Master’s or Doctoral Program Planning Form Approved:
Ph.D. Students: Qualifying Exams Passed (choose one): Yes No
Name of Conference
Location of Conference Travel Dates:
Category of Conference (choose one): International National Regional
Category of Presentation (choose one): I will present a paper I will present a poster
Amount Requested $ Total Estimated Cost of Attending Conference $
I applied for funds for this trip from (check all that apply):
My department Amount Approved: $
My School or College Amount Approved: $
Other Amount Approved: $
Student sign form here above here
Department valuation of conference impact in the discipline (check one) High Impact Moderate Impact
Department representative print name and sign here above here
Do not write below this line
Graduate School Decision: Approved $ Denied
Graduate School reviewer sign here above here
Form revised April, 2017
Print Form