VPS 105596
83576 (11/2019)
Complete each section according to the instructions listed below and sign the bottom of the form when you are
sure that the information is complete and accurate. Incorrect or incomplete enrolment information could result in
denial or improper payment of your claims.
1. Mark the appropriate box to indicate if the employee is new or is applying to be reinstated.
2. Please record the Plan Member ID No. only if you are applying to reinstate that member.
3. Please record the Alternate ID No. (9 characters) if you would like to uniquely identify a plan member (e.g. Cost Centre, Badge Number).
4. Please record the province of employment.
5. Please record the date when full-time or part-time employment commenced.
6. If your Group Benet Contract is different for classes of employees (e.g. union/non union, management/staff), please indicate the classication the
employee falls into.
7. Please record the employee’s occupation.
8. Please record the employee’s earnings (as per the denition of earnings in your Group Benet Contract), payment period and number of hours
worked each/every week.
1. Print your name and full mailing address in the designated areas. Please record the rst name you will use when you submit claims as this name will
also appear on your Group Benet Card (e.g. if you will use Robert when you submit a claim, do not use Bob when completing this form).
2. Enter date of birth, then mark the appropriate box to indicate gender and language.
3. Please record the number of dependents.
4. A marital status of common-law means that you have been living with your common-law partner for a continuous period of at least 12 months.
To be completed ONLY if Health and/or Dental Coverage is part of your Group Benet Contract
1. If you are eligible for Health and/or Dental Coverage through your spouse’s Group Benet Contract, you can either refuse to be covered for such
benets under this Contract or request co-ordination of benets by selecting the applicable box.
2. Please record your spouse’s group insurer and the start date of that coverage.
To be completed ONLY if Health and/or Dental Coverage is part of your Group Benet Contract
1. For Health and/or Dental Coverage please indicate your family status by checking the appropriate box (Single, Couple, Family, Single Parent or
2. Print the names in full of each dependent eligible to be covered under your employer’s Group Benet Contracts. Be sure to use the rst name that
will be used when submitting claims, as this name will also appear on your Group Benet Card (e.g. if you will use Betty when you submit a claim,
don’t use Elizabeth when completing this form).
3. Enter the full date of birth for each dependent. Please conrm the accuracy of these birth dates since they will affect claims payment and dependent
4. Enter “M” (male) or “F” (female) to identify the gender of each dependent.
5. If your dependent is an over-age adult dependent (as dened in your Group Benet Contract), please check the appropriate box (Full-Time Student
or Over-Age Disabled Dependent).
1. For Quebec residents, if your spouse is your beneciary, then you must designate your beneciary as either “Revocable “or “Irrevocable.” If you
do not indicate “Revocable” it will be assumed (per provincial legislation) that your spouse is your “Irrevocable” beneciary. Revocable: you may
change your beneciary (per the Group Benet Contract) without the written consent of the current beneciary. Irrevocable: you may not change
your beneciary (per the Group Benet Contract) without the written consent of the current beneciary.
2. Please ensure that you have indicated your beneciary’s relationship to you and the percentage. For multiple beneciaries, the percentages must
total 100%.
To be completed ONLY if Optional Life is part of your Group Benet Contract
1. An employee must be insured for Group Basic Life Insurance in order for the employee, spouse or his/her dependents to be insured for this benet,
and an Evidence of Insurability Form is required when applying for the Optional Life Benet.
Please keep the original version of the signed Group Enrolment form in your les and use the Online Administration tool to register the employee.
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