Green Bins in Schools (GBS) Program
This program delivers an organics collection program in local schools by using the residential curbside waste collection service. This is
offered at no additional cost to the school. The program offers an organic waste diversion solution and promotes the importance of
waste diversion and recycling both at school and at home. The same trucks that collect from surrounding homes will collect the Green
bins at your school. Your collection day can be found at
What the GBS program provides your school*
• Collection of Green Bin organics
• Green Bins and countertop containers
• Green Bin and recycling signage
• Visit from solid waste inspector to review set-out and related requirements
What is expected of participating schools
• Green Bins must be set-out at the curb before 7 a.m. on the day of collection.
• Emptied Green Bins must be returned to school property by 10 p.m. on collection day
• Materials placed in the Green Bin must comply with Schedule L of City of Ottawa Bylaw 2012-370.
• Schools will keep track of the number of green bins set out at the curb.
• Schools will participate as requested in occasional evaluation surveys.
• Schools will provide information as requested on current waste collection (e.g. size of bins and frequency of
collection for black box, blue box, garbage collection).
• As requested, schools will provide recent school waste audit information, if available.
Application Form
Approval by principal
Principal's name:
Principal has approved application (please check)
School Name
School Address
Contact Name
Contact email
Custodian Name
School Phone #
Number of Students
Time school begins
Time school ends
* NOTE: Collection of organics can only be provided to schools that are located on a waste collection route, meet certain
criteria, and where collection can be performed safely. A Waste Management Inspector will determine if this is possible.