Grant Authorization Form
This form must be complete before developing or writing a grant proposal. Use this form
for grants $10,000 and over
for grant-funded projects impacting multiple Deans/Directors (e.g., Institutional Research, IT, Facilities)
after informally discussing your grant proposal with the Grants Coordinator
Please complete the Expedited Grant Authorization Form if your grant proposal is under $10,000 and impacts no
more than one Dean or Director.
Note: The intent of this form is to provide authorization to pursue exploration of a grant-funded project. It does
not provide final authorization to submit a grant proposal. Prior to submission, the Grants Coordinator must
review the grant proposal and obtain approval to submit from Business Services.
Person(s) proposing this grant project
Department/program that will “house” the project
Name of the granting agency (if known)
Estimated project budget
Estimated grant request
General description of the project, including how it aligns with the college’s mission and strategic plan:
Primary grant requirements:
Fiscal Impact
Grant Period: From
For a multi-year grant, does the annual funding:
increase, remain the same, or decrease
Is Chemeketa required to assume the project/program cost after grant is over? Yes No
Are indirect or administrative costs allowed? Yes (percentage allowed ____ %) No
Does the granting agency require matching funds? Yes (percentage or amount: ________ ) No
Other Information
List the departments/programs (e.g., IT, Marketing, Facilities) that could be impacted by this project.
Have the impacted department/program Deans or Directors been notified of the grant project?
___ Yes ___ Not yet
Name the physical location(s) where the project activities will occur
What college equipment or facilities will be used during the project period?
Which outside agencies/partners are involved and what will they contribute to the success of the project?
Approvals required:
Executive Dean
Vice President
Form updated: May 10, 2019