Owner agrees as follows:
A. General Specifications -
1. All work related to the Project shall be completed by October 1st and be inspected for approval by
the City of Apple Valley.
2. Upon the completion of the Project, and no later than November 15
, the Owner shall submit receipts
(indicating a paid status) for all project expenses paid by the Owner, including materials, rental
equipment, and contracted labor. The City will remit cost share grant funds to the Owner in the
amount equal to or up to fifty percent (50%), not to exceed a grant award of $500.00, of the Owner's
verified costs and expenses.
3. The Owner will not be reimbursed for Owner’s personal labor and time, or for Project expenses that
will be paid for by a grant from another agency (e.g. Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation grant
4. The Owner shall permit the City to enter the Property, at any reasonable time with reasonable notice
to the Owner, for the purpose of inspecting the Project during and after the installation of the project.
5. All work and project specifications shall be maintained for a period of 5 years as described in this grant
agreement and approved by the City of Apple Valley.
B. Project Site -
1. Work shall not occur within any public right-of-way or easement. The Owner shall locate and delineate
all easements, rights-of-way, and utilities on Owner’s property prior to submitting a grant application
and proposed project design. The Owner shall contact Gopher State One Call to locate all underground
utilities prior to conducting excavation.
2. Raingardens shall not be installed closer than 15 feet from a basement foundation or other
underground structures, or no closer than 5 feet from slab on grade foundations.
3. Projects shall be free of liners which prevent infiltration into underlying soils unless a filtration
practice is deemed necessary by Staff.
C. Project Specifications -
1. The project base shall be covered with 3-4 inches shredded hardwood mulch or shall include other
permanent stabilization methods (erosion control blanket, etc.).
2. The Owner shall use native plants, with no cultivar species. The project shall be kept free of non-native
invasive plant species and noxious weeds.
3. The Owner shall properly maintain and water plantings, and remove and/or replace dead plant
4. Pesticides shall not be applied to any part of the completed project area (to protect pollinators and
other beneficial insects).
5. The Owner shall avoid compaction and sedimentation in the project area prior to, during, and after
Rainwater Rewards Program
Grant Agreement and Specifications
This agreement is made and entered into by , Apple Valley, MN 55124
(First name, Last name, Address)
(hereafter referred to as “Owner”) in connection with application for City cost-share grant funds for the Owner’s
“ _________________ ”(hereafter referred to as Project).
(Project Type)