Job Reference No: Post Title: Location:
Where did you see the vacancy advertised?
Surname: Forenames: Preferred Title:
Address: National Insurance Number:
Home Telephone Number:
ime Telephone Number:
Post Code:
Mobile Telephone Number:
Current Full Driving Licence:
Yes No
Car Owner:
Yes No
Email Address:
Applicants with disabilities are guaranteed a job interview. (See Information for Applicants for further information)
If y
ou have a disability and meet the essential criteria detailed on the Person Specification we will guarantee you an interview and you will
be considered for the position solely on merit.
you have a disability? Yes
If in
vited for an interview, would you require any special facilities as a result of any disability?
Yes No If Yes, please specify
The Grampian Assessor & ERO is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
Assessor & Electoral Registration Officer for
Grampian Valuation Joint Board
Employment Application In Confidence
Please complete the form fully and concisely
(Please refer to the Information for Applicants before completing this form)
EDUCATION AND TRAINING Please start with Higher/Further Education
School/College/University Full or
From To Examinations Passed
(with dates)
Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees gained
Relevant Training Courses Date
Duration Provider
Membership of Technical or Professional Associations [showing Grade(s) and relevant date(s)]:
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet
Employer’s Name and Address: Date Started: Date Left:
(if relevant)
Employer’s Business:
Position Held: Department: Reason for Leaving:
(if relevant)
Period of Notice Required:
Principal Duties of Post:
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT If necessary, please continue on a separate sheet
Employer’s Name and Address: Date Started: Date Left:
Salary on leaving:
Employer’s Business:
Position Held: Department: Reason for Leaving:
Principal Duties of Post:
Employer’s Name and Address: Date Started: Date Left:
Salary on leaving:
Employer’s Business:
Position Held: Department: Reason for Leaving:
Principal Duties of Post:
Employer’s Name and Address: Date Started: Date Left:
Salary on leaving:
Employer’s Business:
Position Held: Department: Reason for Leaving:
Principal Duties of Post:
Employer’s Name and Address: Date Started: Date Left:
Salary on leaving:
Employer’s Business:
Position Held: Department: Reason for Leaving:
Principal Duties of Post:
FURTHER INFORMATION including why you are applying for this job and how you consider you
meet the criteria of the Person Specification
REFERENCES Please name referees who can provide references covering previous 3 years of
References will only be taken up for candidates short listed for interview. However, it will be assumed that it is in order to approach
Referees without further consultation unless you clearly state otherwise. (If you do not wish a referee to be approached prior to an
offer of employment please tick the relevant box.)
(1) Name:
Name of any Assessor’s personnel or member/official of
the Valuation Joint Board to whom you are related
CANVASSING: Canvassing of Assessor’s personnel or members / officers of the Board, directly or indirectly, in
connection with an appointment shall disqualify the candidate.
In accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, you are advised that the information provided in this
form will be used for recruitment, selection and equal opportunities monitoring purposes only and may subsequently be
used for payroll and personnel purposes on the Board’s computerised system (administered by the Moray Council) and
the Assessor’s computerised systems. Further details on how your personal data will be used, shared and disposed of,
along with your rights is available at
declare that the foregoing statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to the use of
personal data for the purposes stipulated above.
Signature of Applicant …………………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………………………...
GVJB Application 012021