A Seventh-day Adventist Organization
Graduation Petition
(for graduate and professional programs)
Helpful note: This form is not for undergraduate students. Students completing an undergraduate degree please fill out the Undergraduate
Intent to Graduate form found online at in the Academic Life section.
Spring and Summer
Program Completions
(May - September)
Program Completions
Program Completions
Academic Variance: Last day
for School to submit approved
form to University Records
Graduation Petition: Last day
for Student to submit Grad
Petition to School.
Graduation Petition: Last day
for School to submit Grad
Petition to University Records.
As a graduate or professional student you are responsible for the information on this form; we encourage you to thoroughly
read the instructions below before filling out the Graduation Petition.
1. Students are responsible for obtaining all signatures and delivering the completed petition to the school academic
office by the dates listed in the table below, unless an earlier date is specified by your school:
Please Note: The school dean's office is responsible for obtaining a Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) signature, when
appropriate, and turning in the final form to University Records according to the degree clearance procedure submission
2. All official transcripts for non-LLU credits, co-requisites, and prerequisites must be received at least two months prior
to graduation.
3. All approved and School processed Academic Variances (AV) must be turned in to University Records by the School
Academic Office before the deadline shown in the above table. Please work with your School in advance to ensure they
can meet the posted deadlines. Transfer credit must be at the graduate level and must have been taken within five years
of acceptance (unless policy outlines a more recent timeframe). Religion requirements for LLU programs must be a
graduate-level religion course taught at LLU and cannot be given advanced standing or substituted.
4. For students completing more than one degree program in separate schools, please complete a graduation petition for
each school. For example, if you are completing both PharmD (SP) and Bioethics (SR), a graduation petition is
required for each school. If you are completing two programs within one school, such as a Certificate (SPH) and MPH
(SPH), only one graduation petition is required.
5. Summer Completion: If you plan to complete your program in summer quarter and are eligible to participate in the
prior spring quarter graduation, please list projected coursework for winter, spring, and summer quarters, as this form
needs to be submitted by November 1, as shown on the above table.
If you have any questions please e-mail or call (909) 558-4508