Graduation Petition Checklist
Name: Student ID:
Degree(s) Petitioned:
Congratulations for applying for an associate degree from Napa Valley College. Please follow this checklist to make sure
you complete all the necessary steps to receive your degree.
Graduation Dates and General Guidelines for Petition Submission
Petitions must be submitted no later than the dates outlined below:
Summer 2020- June 11 Fall 2020- October 16
Attend a Graduation Workshop or
Spring 2021 - March 12
Meet with a counselor to review your graduation eligibility. You will need to complete all remaining courses for your
major and general education requirements. If you have coursework from other colleges, be sure NVC has official
transcripts on file prior to the workshop or meeting with a counselor or bring a sealed copy to the appointment.
Complete the Petition to Graduate and the Checklist
Forward the completed petition to the A&R office. The form is online at the A&R website
). Click on “A&R Forms” to see the “Graduation Petition and Checklist.”
Counselor Verification
Counseling has identified that to qualify for graduation you must pass the following courses:
Transfer Students, please note:
To have your AA-T or AS-T degree electronically verified by Napa Valley College you must designate, on your
CSU application, your intent to receive the degree. If you do not designate intent on your CSU application, you
may still verify your intent by providing each CSU with the attached “Verification of Intent to Earn Associates of
Arts/Science Degree Transfer.”
Check your Email for a Response from the Admissions and Records Office on the
Status of your Petition.
The Admissions and Records Office will be contacting you by email once they have reviewed your petition. This
usually happens 8-12 weeks after the deadline to petition.
Student’s Signature Date
Submit a signed copy of this with your application and retain a copy for your records. A&R Rev 06/2/20
Semester & Year of Graduation: _
1. Please submit one petition per AA/AS/AA-T/AS-T degree for which you are eligible.
2. Sign the petition as indicated and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office by the deadline specified for each
3. Coursework shall be completed as stated in the NVC Catalog under which the student is graduating. At least 12 units
must be completed at NVC.
4. Diplomas will be mailed to the address on file. If your address is new, an Information Change Form with the updated
addressed must be submitted to Admissions and Records for processing.
(Please print clearly & check your Web Advisor account to make sure all personal information is current.)
Catalog being used to determine degree requirements:
Are Course Substitution Petitions being used: Yes _ No (Please attach)
List the areas for which a course substitution petition is being used: _
(Attach copy)
Title of Degree:
AA Major
AS Major _
AS T Major _
AA T Major
*Please attach NVC IGETC or CSU for Transfer Major
I understand that in order to be awarded a degree from NVC, I
must meet unit, general education, major and graduation
requirements. If I fail to meet any requirements, I understand I
must re-apply for graduation for the next term once all the
requirements are met.
I have reviewed the student’s academic record and have
determined that he/she will meet the entire unit, GPA, general
education and graduation requirements, if completed as
indicated on the petition. It appears that he/she has met the
major requirements, but final approval rests with the Program
_ _
Student’s Signature Date Counselor’s Signature Date
Print Name
Your diploma will be mailed to the address currently on file in A&R approximately 12 weeks after the end of the semester.
Admissions and Records
2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway, Napa, Ca. 94558
707.256.7200 fax 707.256.7219
Petition for the AA/AS/AA-T/AS-T Degrees
First Last MI
Date of Birth: Email:
Name: _ Student ID #
Verification of Intent to earn an Associate of Arts/Science
degree for Transfer. Following completion of your AA-T/AS-T
degree evaluation, submit a copy of this form to the admissions
office at each CSU campus to which you have applied. Forms
should be submitted Attn: Admissions. For CSU campus
addresses, please visit
Napa Valley College
General Education Pattern for AA and AS Degrees
Student’s name Student ID#
College where course was
A. Natural Sciences
(Choose 3 units)
B. Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Choose 3 units)
(For Nursing StudentsAny course from approved
A.S. degree list--Except PSYC 125)
C. Humanities:
(Chose 3 units)
D. Language and Rationality:
English Composition
(Choose 3 units and complete with a “C” or better)
D.2. Mathematics
(Choose 3 units and complete with a “C” or better OR
may demonstrate competency with a test)
D.3. Communication and Analytical
(Choose 3 units and complete with a “C” or better)
E. Multicultural/Gender Studies
PE/Health Ed
(Choose 3 units of PE and/or Dance courses OR
complete HELH 106)
American History: (AA Degree Only)
American Institutions:
(AA Degree Only)
Pre-Requisites for AS Degree in Nursing (ADN) and RT
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
(Human Growth and Development) - ADN
Career Communication - ADN only
Introduction to Chemistry - RT only
Revised 6/2/20
Approved ______ Denied______
SPRO____ SGRD _____ UACF_____ DH_______
For A&R Office Use Only