Graduation and Commencement Application
Anticipated graduates must complete and return this form to the Law Registrar's Office by September 1 for December
graduates and December 1 for May or July graduation candidates. December graduation candidates who wish to
participate in the preceding May commencement ceremony must submit the form by December 1 to "walk early." All
graduation candidates must submit applications to have their degrees conferred and receive diplomas. Participation in the
commencement ceremony is voluntary and you should indicate your plans below.
Diploma Name
Print or Type your name EXACTLY as you wish for it to appear on your diploma. Use upper and lower case with any
international characters. Examples:
Raphaël Versace
George M. Dolenz, Jr.
YONGSU CHUNG (all caps not recommend)
Peter Halston Thorkelson
GGU Student ID Or SSNEmail Address
Current Mailing
City State Zip
LLM, Intellectual Property
I plan to participate in the May 20________ commencement ceremony.
I do not plan to participate in any commencement ceremony.
Commencement Ceremony:
J.D. Specialization Certificate (You must also complete the JD Specialization Certificate Application Form)
SJD, International Legal StudiesJD Doctor of Jurisprudence
LLM, International Legal Studies
LLM, U.S. Legal Studies LLM, Taxation
LLM Environmental Law
Academic Program: (Check One)
Check here if you wish to have your diploma mailed to the address above
Check here if you wish to have your diploma mailed to another address indicated below
Diploma Mailing
Anticipated GraduationTerm:
Print Form