Title III Graduate Assistant Agreement
Alabama A & M University | Office of Title III
Student Name:__________________________________________ A Number:__________________
Title III Activity:______________________________________________________________________
Title III Activity Director: __________________________________ Extension:___________________
Supervisor: ____________________________________________ Extension:___________________
Position Title:___________________________________________________
Begin Work Date (Month/Day/Year-mm/dd/yyyy): ________ Expected End Date (mm/dd/yyyy):_______
Seeking Employment to cover the following semesters (Year):
Fall ________ Spring ________ Summer________ Fall ________ Spring ________ Summer ________
Degree: _____________________________ Expected Graduation Date (mm/yyyy):_______________
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE TITLE III ACTIVITY DIRECTOR: I agree to hire the above named student
under this Title III Activity in the position noted for the semester(s) indicated above for the grant year that begins
October 1 and ends September 30; pending continued funding from the Title III Part B Strengthening HBCUs
grant. I will provide the opportunity for the student to work the appropriate amount of hours to earn the above
award and will monitor hours so that payment does not exceed the noted amount. I will sign and send student
worker Time & Effort Reports to the Title III Program Administration Office by no later than the 5
day of the
following month’s pay period. Additionally, I will be responsible for confirming Web Time Entry monthly.
Activity Director’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT: I understand that I have the following responsibilities as a Title III
student graduate assistant employee at Alabama A&M University (initial):
1. _____ I must arrange a suitable work schedule with my supervisor and maintain that schedule.
2. _____ I must give my supervisor advanced notice (preferably 24 hours) if I am unable to work.
3. _____ I will not exceed a 20 hour work week (inclusive of all jobs secured on-campus) while employed as a
Title III graduate assistant. As a student employee, I am not eligible to work overtime or receive
compensatory time.
4. _____ I am responsible for completing and adhering to student employment agreement policies and
procedures of the Title III Office and policies of the university, to continue to receive Title III funds.
5. _____ I will sign and submit a Time & Effort Report at the conclusion of each pay period to my supervisor
for approval and signature by the 5
day of the month following each pay period.
6. _____ In addition to my Time & Effort Report, I must submit a Web Time Entry form online monthly, by the
suggested date, in order to validate hours worked and ensure proper payment for time worked.
7. _____ I understand that this position is available pending continued funding from the Title III Part B
Strengthening HBCUs grant, which has a grant year that runs from October 1 to September 30.
1. _____ If I am being employed by the University for the first time, I must complete the necessary paperwork
in the Office of Human Resources.
2. _____ I must be enrolled in at least 6 credit course hours during the Fall/Spring semesters and at least 3 credit
course hours during the Summer semester in order to receive Title III funding.
3. _____ I must submit a class schedule (proof of enrollment) before each semester to the Title III office.
Student’s Signature:______________________________________ Date: ____________________
Graduate Assistant