SECTION 1: HIRING MANAGER (Once complete, please give this form to the student and send them to Career Services (LRC-510).
Student’s Full Name:
Student’s Z#:
Department Name:
Org. Code & Cost Center:
Phone Extension:
Student’s Job Title:
Starting Employment Date:
Ending Employment Date:
Stipend Amount: OR Hourly Pay Rate:
Supervisor’s Name (print)
Supervisor’s Signature Date
SECTION 2: STUDENT (Bring this form to Career Services on LRC-510. If you’ve never worked on campus, please bring IDs for the I-9.)
□Fall/Spring □Summer
Have you completed registration? □ Yes □ No
Are you enrolled full-time? □ Yes □ No
Number of hours enrolled:
Are you a graduate student? □ Yes □ No
Are you an international student? □ Yes □ No
o If you checked yes, what is your I-20 expiration date?
(question #5 on your I-20 form)
SECTION 3: CAREER SERVICES (office use only)
□ GHN account is active
□ I-9 on file □FICA Exempt
□ New Hire □ Reactivate
□ U.S. Citizen □ International □ Permanent Resident
□ Secondary Position - Time Card
Position Code:
Student Employment Representative: Date:
click to sign
click to edit