The University of Tennessee at Martin
Graduate Faculty Application Full Membership
(Please type)
Name: Signature: Date:
Department: Rank:
Highest Degree: Institution:
List years full-time college teaching at a regionally accredited institution:
List disciplines in which you have minimum of 18 graduate semester hours:
List disciplines you will teach at UT Martin:
Membership Category Requested (Check either initial or renewal for membership category requested)
Initial Full Membership
Renewal of Full Membership
___ Initial
5 years beginning Term, 20
Regular faculty status
Terminal degree in the teaching field
3 years full-time teaching experience at college level at a regionally
accredited institution
Satisfactory teaching, research, or creative experience (minimum of
4 activities as identified on review check sheet since completion of
terminal degree)
Recommended after consultation with departmental faculty
___ Renewal
5 years beginning Term, 20
Has demonstrated continuing scholarly activity as
recognized/commended by peers in applicant’s field
(minimum of 4 activities as identified on review check
sheet in last five years)
Graduate Courses and/or Assignments
List graduate courses taught and/or graduate assignments in the last approved period or type NONE:
Recommendations and ApprovalYour signature denotes your support of this application.
Departmental Committee
Coordinator (if applicable)
Dean of College
Submit the completed original application to the Graduate Studies Office.
___ Approved effective: Expiration date:
___ Denied
Graduate Council Chair Date
Rev 09/11
Select one
Select one