The University of Tennessee at Martin
Graduate Faculty Application Associate Membership
(Please type)
Name: Signature: Date:
Department: Rank:
Highest Degree: Institution:
List years full-time college teaching at a regionally accredited institution:
List disciplines in which you have minimum of 18 graduate semester hours:
List disciplines you will teach at UT Martin:
Membership Category Requested (Check either initial or renewal for membership category requested)
Automatic Initial
Associate Membership
Initial Associate
Renewal of Automatic Initial
Associate Membership
___ Automatic Initial
(Yrs 1-3 after terminal degree completed)
Up to 3 years beginning
Term, 20
Newly hired, tenure track faculty or
regular faculty status with less than 3
years college level teaching experience
Terminal degree in teaching field
completed within previous six years
Conferred (check one)
Fall Spring Summer
___ Initial
(Yrs 4-6 after terminal degree completed)
Up to 3 years beginning
Term, 20
Terminal degree in teaching field
completed within previous six years
Conferred (check one)
Fall Spring Summer
___ Renewal
(Yrs 4-6 after terminal degree completed)
Up to 3 years beginning
Term, 20
Has demonstrated progression toward full
A letter from the department chair must
accompany the renewal application; it must
address the applicant’s teaching
effectiveness at the graduate level and
progress toward attaining full membership.
Graduate Courses and/or Assignments
List graduate courses taught and/or graduate assignments in the last approved period or type NONE:
Recommendations and ApprovalYour signature denotes your support of this application.
Departmental Committee
Coordinator (if applicable)
Dean of College
Submit the completed original application to the Graduate Studies Office. Copies should be made after all signatures are obtained.
___ Approved effective: Expiration date:
___ Denied
Graduate Council Chair Date
Rev 09/11