Academic Graduate Assistant Request Form
Spring 2017/Fall 2017
Preferred request deadline to the Graduate College is May 1, 2017.
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Section 1:
Requesting Program/Office: ___________________ Name of Supervisor: ___________________
If you do not have an allocated position filled by May 1
, you must submit this form with sections 2, 3, and 4
indicating you are requesting an extension of the position but do not have a recommended student at this
time. Upon filling the position, please send all information contained in Section 1 of this form to
Student Name: _________________________ Student Degree Program: ____________________
Student T#: _____________ Anticipated Graduation Date: _____________ GPA: ___________
Student Email:
First and last day of work for assistantship: ______ / ______ / ______ to ______ / ______ /______
*Students may not work beyond their graduation date (Must indicate month, day, & year)
Are you holding another paid position at Arkansas Tech University? Yes No
If yes, please describe: ______________________________________________________________
This student has undergone the required background check, and is eligible for employment.
**All Human Resource paperwork must be completed/updated prior to the indicated beginning date.
Section 2:
Stipend Amount Source Percentage
(For budgets other than Graduate College, list budget title and code)
_______________ Graduate College __________ %
_______________ Other _________________________________________ __________ %
_______________ Other _________________________________________ __________ %
Tuition Waiver: (Only Graduate Level Courses can be waived)
TERM HOURS SOURCE (For budgets other than Graduate College, list budget title and code)
Summer II 0 - 3 Graduate College Other _____________________________
Fall 6 - 9 Graduate College Other _____________________________
Spring 6 - 9 Graduate College Other _____________________________
Summer I 0 - 3 Graduate College Other _____________________________
Total Tuition Waiver hours not to exceed 18 hours per academic year (July 1 June 30)
Academic Graduate Assistant Request Form
Spring 2017/Fall 2017
Preferred request deadline to the Graduate College is May 1, 2017.
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Section 3:
Please indicate below those areas, along with percentages, that will apply to the work of the requested
Graduate Assistant (GA).
Research/Grant Percentage: __________
Describe research/grant work, expected deliverable and completion date indicating the number of semesters
needed for this GA’s work to be completed (no more than 4 semesters). Indicate any department funds that
will be provided or grant funds that will assist with the support.
Detail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Teaching Percentage: ___________
Indicate the courses and number of sections the GA will be assigned to teach. Indicate if this will constitute
10-hour or 20-hour assignment. Provide a detailed justification of teaching need.
Detail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Faculty Support/Clerical Support Percentage: ___________
Detail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Other Percentage: ___________
Be specific in your description.
Detail: _________________________________________________________________________________
Section 4:
Graduate Program Director/Supervisor: _________________________________ Date: ________________
College Dean: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Graduate Dean: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________