Graduate Assistant Duties and Responsibilities
(To be completed for each GA hired)
Student ID Number:
Student Name:
Job Description:
Term of Appointment:
Fall: Summer II:Spring: Summer I:Year:
Work Hours: Graduate Assistants (GAs) are not to exceed 20 hours per week and are not required to work at any time when
faculty or students are not required to be on campus. A time sheet must be maintained documenting hours worked each day and
submitted monthly to your supervisor or departmental office. I understand that my graduate program may have research and/or
educational experiences that require my attendance for additional hours beyond those compensated.
GPA Requirement: Graduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on graduate work to be eligible for a Graduate
Assistant position.
Credit Hour Requirements: Master's and Specialist GAs must complete a minimum of six hours of graduate credit during a
regular semester. Total credit hours (graduate and undergraduate) cannot exceed 12. Three graduate credit hours are
required in the combined summer terms in order to hold a GA position in any summer term. Total credit hours may not exceed
seven per summer term. Doctoral GAs are required to take a minimum of nine credit hours during the regular semester and three
credit hours during each summer term an assistantship is held.
Privacy Statement: Graduate Assistants with access to departmental records which may contain names, academic records, and
other personally identifying details of students or employees of ASU may not disclose this information.
Term Limitations: Master’s- and Specialist-level assistantships will have a maximum time limit of five semesters. An exception
is made for students admitted based on a Bachelor’s Degree, rather than a Master’s Degree, to the Ed.S. in Psychology
and Counseling; these students can have a maximum appointment limit of eight semesters. Doctoral assistantships will
have a maximum time limit of eight semesters. Two summer terms of five weeks each equates to one semester in all programs.
Other Employment: Graduate Assistants CANNOT hold any other employment at
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro or
any other ASU system campus during any period they hold a GA appointment.
Student Signature:
Chair Signature:
College Dean Signature:
Form must be submitted to the Provost’s Ofce after electronic signatures are completed. Please ensure any relevant
additional documentation is attached to the generated email. A copy of this form will be maintained in Human Resources.
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