Graduate Programs
Please check the program that you wish to pursue.
Graduate Admissions
Application form
Type or print in ink. Submit application
to the Oce of Graduate Admission.
Application information
Students applying for admission to the
MS, MAT, MBA or MFA program will
need to apply separately to both EOU
and the specific graduate program.
Deadlines and information for applying
to the graduate programs can be ob-
tained through the links below.
Ocial transcripts
Students will also need to have o-
cial transcripts sent from the college
granting the baccalaureate degree, as
well as ocial transcripts showing any
post-baccalaureate coursework. Stu-
dents who have earned, or will earn, a
baccalaureate degree from EOU will not
need to submit an ocial transcript.
International students
International students must use the
International Application.
Financial Aid
A student who is admitted as a grad-
uate student can only receive financial
aid for graduate courses. Undergraduate
courses cannot be included when deter-
mining a graduate student’s enrollment
status (full-time, half-time, etc.) for
purposes of financial aid eligibility.
Important Note for Graduate Students
If the student has received a bachelor’s
degree from an accredited institution
and wishes to enroll in more than eight
(8) credit hours of undergraduate or
graduate courses oered by the Univer-
sity, the student must file an Application
for Admission. The student must request
that an ocial transcript be sent to the
Oce of Graduate Admissions from the
college granting the bachelor’s degree,
as well as ocial transcripts show-
ing any post-baccalaureate work. The
student must list all colleges attend-
ed on the application. Admission as a
post-baccalaureate student, however,
does not constitute acceptance as a
candidate for a master’s degree. A
separate application for admission to
candidacy for the master’s degree must
be requested from the Graduate Oce.
College of Arts & Sciences
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) -
Creative Writing
College of Business
Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Onsite
Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Online
College of Education
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
Master of Science Education (MS)
College of Education
Endorsement Preparation
Special Education
Graduate Literacy
Graduate ESOL
* Social Security Number Disclosure and Consent Statement
As an eligible educational institution, EOU must receive your correct social se-
curity number (SSN) to file certain returns with the IRS and to furnish a state-
ment to you. The returns EOU must file contain information about qualified
tuition and related expenses. Privacy Act Notice—Section 6109 of the Internal
Revenue Code requires you to give your correct SSN to persons who must file
information returns with the IRS to report certain information. The IRS uses the
numbers for identification purposes and to help verify the accuracy of your tax
return. For more information please refer to IRS code 6050S. You will be issued
a student ID number for your academic record at Eastern.
**This information will not be used for making admissions decisions. However,
you are encouraged to provide this information for data collection, application
processing, and research purposes.
Disability Services:
Eastern Oregon University is committed to providing educational opportunities
and appropriate support to students with disabilities. To assist us in our eorts,
students are requested, on a voluntary basis, to self-identify by contacting the
Disabilities Services Oce at 541-962-3081. The information will be kept confi-
dential and will be used only to provide reasonable accommodations in accor-
dance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Providing information
will not aect an applicant’s eligibility for admission.
Student Checklist. Please check (x) all that you have completed:
Check Social Security Number for accuracy.
Certify the accuracy of the information provided and sign your
application for admission.
Keep a copy of the entire application for admission.
Request ocial transcripts from your degree-granting institution and any
post-baccalaureate coursework.
Apply to graduate program through the appropriate department.