Site Plans: Please provide four (4) copies. An accurate plan for the entire site illustrating the existing conditions shall be
submitted to the city containing the following information:
(a) Plans shall show the existing grade for the entire site and the adjoining properties within 100 feet.
(b) All property lines with bearings and distances shown.
(c) Existing vegetation on the site designated by its common names, location, type, size and condition of trees and
ground cover on site.
(d) The location of all existing drainage facilities, natural and manmade, which transport surface water onto, across, or
from the site including: streams and surface waters, artificial channels, drainpipe, or culverts.
(e) The location and estimated capacity of any areas which impound surface water.
(f) Location and estimated discharge of all visible springs in excess of one gallon per minute.
(g) The location of all structures, utilities, and their appurtenances, including structures and utilities on adjacent
properties within 20 feet when such information is reasonably available. Said improvement locations shall also be
staked on site to enable the city to review improvement locations and their relationship to the site and existing
(h) Identification of all critical areas governed by chapter 18.86 DMMC;
(i) Identification of all areas regulated by the provisions of the DMMC flood hazard code;
(j) Location and capacity of all drainage facilities and related construction;
Grading/Clearing Plan: Please provide four (4) copies. An accurate plan for the entire site illustrating the proposed
conditions shall be submitted to the City containing the following information:
(a) Plans shall show the finish grade in relation to the existing grade for the entire site and the adjoining properties
within 100 feet in sufficient detail to identify how grade changes will conform to the requirements of this code.
(b) Location and capacity of all drainage facilities and related construction.
(c) Boundaries of all areas to remain in the existing or natural condition.
(d) Location of all vegetation shown on the plan which will remain after completion of the work and the minimum
distance to the nearest excavation and/or filling.
(e) Landscape plan.
(f) The placement of excavated material, fill, and other graded material.
(g) Location of building setback lines, and approximate demarcation of land cuts including but not limited to
foundations, retaining walls, and driveways.
Plan Sheet Specifications: The plan sheets shall conform to the following standards:
(a) The date, basis, and datum of the contours.
(b) Date, north arrow, and adequate scale (1:10, 1:20, or 1:40) on all maps and plans.
(c) Contours will be at two-foot contour intervals.
(d) Contact information for the applicant,the property owner, and legal description shall be provided on the coversheet.
Slope Disturbance Plan: Please provide four (4) copies. An accurate site plan identifying area(s) contained within each
of the four different slope categories. If the site contains slopes greater than 15%, the plan must calculate the total
authorized disturbance based on the formula on page 3 of this application form.
Civil Engineering Plans: If infrastructure improvements are required as part of the project (i.e. road construction,
frontage improvements, drainage facilitates, etc.), provide five (5) complete sets of engineering plans. These plans must
meet the submittal requirements established the Transportation Engineering and Surface Water Management Divisions of
the Planning, Building, and Public Works Department.
Geotechnical Report: Provide two (2) copies, if required
Technical Information Report (TIR): Provide three (3) copies if required
Application Fee: As required by the current Development Services Fee Schedule.
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Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan: Please provide four (4) copies. The plan shall be consistent with the
design requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual and shall be prepared by a licensed civil
engineer. The plan must also contain the following information:
(a) Sequence for clearing, grading, filling, drainage alteration, and other land-disturbing activities.
(b) On-site soil or earth material storage locations and source of import materials, and location of the site where soils will be disposed.
(c) Schedule for installation and removal of all temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including vegetative measures.
(d) An outline of the methods to be used in clearing vegetation and in storing and disposing of the cleared vegetative matter.
Vicinity Map: Provide one (1) copy of a vicinity map on 8.5”x11” paper.