Award Information: The Waterman, Wilson, and McRae Graduate Student scholarships will be
awarded in the amount of $575 each semester for the 2019-2020 academic year. MONTANA
STATE UNIVERSITY BILLINGS seeks to recognize outstanding graduate students and support
their academic study leading to a graduate degree. These scholarships are awarded for one year, but
may be renewed for one additional year through the application process.
Qualifications: 1) Graduate GPA of 3.25; 2) Must be a full-time graduate student (9 or more
hours each semester in 2019-2020); and 3) have approved admission status. All items,
including this application, are to be electronically submitted where noted. Awards will be made
without consideration of financial need or current financial aid (assistantships, fee waivers, loans).
Please contact Financial Aid (406-657-2188) if you have questions about the impact of the
scholarship on your financial aid package.
Application Requirements: The following items constitute a complete application:
1. Information: Name
Mailing Address
Phone Number Student ID #
Degree, & Option
Number of credits for which enrolled (anticipated): Fall Spring
(Minimum of 9 per semester)
2. Letter of Application: Please submit a letter of application in which you address the following
criteria, one page per criteria: (emailed to: gradstudies@msubillings.edu)
a) Evidence of outstanding scholarship, research, and creativity.
b) Evidence of commitment to community service and related accomplishments.
c) Professional experience and leadership.
3. Current Resume or Curriculum Vita
submitted electronically to: gradstudies@msubillings.edu
4. Letters of Support. Please have three individuals who know your abilities, achievements,
and character, write letters of support directly to the Office of Graduate Studies, MSU Billings
used for application process cannot be used). Letters may be submitted electronically
to: gradstudies@msubillings.edu.
5. Undergraduate Transcript. Transcripts may be dropped off at the Office of Graduate Studies or
emailed as an attachment (Copies cannot be from the existing graduate file).
The information submitted in this application package is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. If
selected for a scholarship, I permit the release of my academic and biographical information for
publicity purposes.
Student Date