Tennessee Technological University
Graduate Student Teaching Qualification Certification Form
Required before any graduate student may take full responsibility for instruction
and evaluation in an undergraduate course.
To be completed by the department with initial instructional appointment and
kept in the student’s personnel file.
Transcript(s) and other required documentation must accompany form.
Name:_________________________________ T-Number:_______________________
Department: __________________ Effective semester/year:_______________________
Education and/or relevant experience
Check either of the following:
___ Master’s degree in the teaching discipline (attach transcript)
___ 18 or more graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline (attach transcript)
___ Exception based on outstanding professional experience and demonstrated
contributions to the teaching discipline (justification with documentation such as CV
must be attached)
By signing we certify that the graduate student possesses the minimum qualifications to
take full responsibility for instruction and evaluation in an undergraduate course in his or
her discipline, and while in that role will have
direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline;
regular in-service training;
planned and periodic evaluations.
______________________________________________ _________
Department Chairperson or Director date
______________________________________________ _________
Dean date
(revised October 20, 2014)