ant Development Process
1. Complete the Intent to Apply for a Grant Form
2. Get required signatures
3. Attach RFQ
4. Submit signed form to Director of Resource Development to present to Exec Team (A103A
5. If Exec Team approves, it will go to President’s Cabinet for approval
6. Applicant will be notified if approved by President’s Cabinet
Intent to Apply for a Grant
I. Project
Project Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Total amount to be requested: ____________________ Number of years: ___________
Name: ________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________
Phone number ___________________________ Department ______________________________
Lead organization or fiscal agent: ______________________________________________________________
Other possible partners:
What are the project’s goal(s) and objective(s)?
Who will benefit from the grant, and how many will be served?
How will this project be sustained after the grant period has expired?
rant Information
Type of grant _______________________________ Granting agency _________________________________